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  1. M

    3 Gallon Tank Filtration

    Thanks for the advice! I've been using a water conditioner when changing the water and the store recommended nitrifying/good bacteria to help with the ammonia levels and to speed up the cycling process (bacteria added in on day 2). Learning more about the importance of cycling and hands down...
  2. M

    3 Gallon Tank Filtration

    Oh and the store recommended the 3 gallon fish tank but after much reading, it's become clear this seems way too small for no of fish. The 6 left seem a bit happier now with the space, but I'm worried about the conditions still.
  3. M

    3 Gallon Tank Filtration

    Hi everyone, Very new to this - took my kid to a kids fish farm where you can catch random small fish and we were given a mix of fish to take home. Got a 3 gallon tank and internal filter which the pet store recommended. It has a flow rate of 200l/hour and I'm not sure if the fish like this...
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