Search results

  1. M

    Is this really a blue line rasbora?

    How certain are you from my Crazy photo?
  2. M

    Is this really a blue line rasbora?

    Even having the spot on the tail?
  3. M

    Is this really a blue line rasbora?

    Thanks for your reply. The spot in the tail is what makes me doubt. I found the exclamation point rasbora and it looks more similar to me.
  4. IMG-20230610-WA0003.jpg


  5. M

    Is this really a blue line rasbora?

    Hi all, I bought some of these st week. In the store they said they are blue line rasbora, but they don't look to me like what I have seen online. They are very small half an inch (1.2cm). Any
  6. 20230614_194248.png

