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  2. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Upgraded my filter to the Tidal 55 from the 35. I was getting surface film around my driftwood where the flow just wasn't strong enough but I didn't want to add in a powerhead. Seems to be much better now! Also removed a good chunk of my 'grass' as it wasn't really spreading. It was growing up...
  3. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    The ludwigia has had tons of new growth since I put it in the tank and that growth has always been red up until this most recent new growth. I have Thrive as a fertilizer. And I dont use water conditioner since I use RO water (which I do remineralize with equilibrium from seachem)
  4. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    But the lighting hasn't changed other than hours on but when I increase i get algae. I think I'm at the point where things are pretty balanced out now other than my red plants loosing red on new growth. There still seems to be plenty of nutriants in the water because every time i think there...
  5. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    So ive been noticing my ludwigi is growing green leaves now which I wonder if the iron content is dwindling then. Cus nothing else has changed. Went and bought some flourish iron. We'll see what happens. I have to trim up my tank again hahah so I'll share pics after that's done.
  6. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Got the stuff figured out and we're back lol it seems like it was the solenoid. Hopefully this one lasts longer.
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  8. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    One thing after another. My co2 regulator has stopped working. The solenoid clicks on and off with power but it's not pushing co2 through the system. There is plenty of CO2 in the tank and when I open the release valve co2 is released, so people think it's a faulty solenoid. Sadly I think it's...
  9. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Slowly getting rid of the diatoms. Woo!!!
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  11. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    They said my parameters weren't right for them and my tank wasn't set up correctly. I took it mostly as a load of bs but it drives home the point of research saying one thing and people saying another lol.
  12. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Trimmed my ludwigia after taking the picture hehe. Wanted to replant some to fill in a section and it was also getting so thick it was blocking a good portion of light from the other plants around. Trimmed up my carpet too. took the powerhead out cus i dont think the rummys were enjoying the...
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  15. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    The store only had 6. So all I could get was 6. I called around too and most places that normally get them are out until their new shipment arrives. And I was always told to add fish stock in batches (most, though like cichlids it's best to add their full stock at once) to avoid overburdening...
  16. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    I appreciate the info thank you. After calling around to my LFSs and talking to a few of em, the ones that get CPDs in don't get a lot and they sell out fast and don't get them often enough to allow me to slowly add more to their group size in a steady manner, I've decided to drop them. Im sad...
  17. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Thank you, yes a lot of people have said 'no' but not given any alternatives, or they go "just do neon tetras!" like really? lol My pH is about 6.5 ish, (it's a light pale green, so i can't tell if its 6.4 or 6.6) my gH takes 9 drops, so about 160ppm which from the charts I've seen is slightly...
  18. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    To an extent I have done this. I've tried to look for fish that will do well in my parameters but the problem comes a lot of places give such a wide range of what they like... -shrug- I use remineralized RO water. My pH is about 6.5 ish, (it's a light pale green, so i can't tell if its 6.4 or...
  19. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    I'm curious, because from the vids i've seen and some pages I've read, people have kept hillstream loaches in a wide array of setups, and some have bred them outside the iconic 'cold, fast moving water' setups. It's also happened for a few other fish i've thought of keeping where I've researched...
  20. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Some maintenence. Scrubbed glass, tried to get as much off the leaves as I could. Trimmed my hygro and removed some pennywort (that stuff is going crazy) Might pick up some nerite snails and maaaybe shrimp or a hillstream loach or 2 tomorrow. We'll see. Will depend on what my LFSs have in.
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  22. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    oooh thank you <3 i can't wait till the diatoms fluff off so i can appreciate the pure green/red of these plants. XD I think, since its been sitting for so long, I gotta go refill my jugs of RO tomorrow but I think i'll do a big water change. P: They're rooted enough in there now I'm not worried...
  23. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Woooee oh boy. Hahha been got since Friday morning. Looks like they need some tlc. Still got some algae to deal with but my hygro has gotten big. Haha. What's the best way to trim these? Cus I don't want them to get twiggy.
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  25. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Last view I'll get before I leave for a week. It will be interesting to see it when I get home. I fly out tomorrow but it qill be too early in the morning to see the tank. So enjoy the last shots for a week hehehe.
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  30. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    ♡ ty! I can't wait until it fills in!
  31. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Happy Monday all
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  33. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Another day another picture. After scrubbing off most of the algae and diatoms they certainly haven't been returning as fast. I also finally got my light riser in! Yay. No longer uneven or sitting awkwardly across my tank.
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  36. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Little better now hahah
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  38. Sovereignty

    The 20g Long Progress

    Added hygrophila salicifolia (Hygro Blue) & Broad-Leaf Pogostemon stellatus The other day. I moved the pennywort that was in the back around a bit as it was having too much of a happy growth spurt and covering my hygro that's there next to the log. I want it long enough to where i can start...
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