Search results

  1. Pwojo

    Tiny white worms?

    What are these white worms in my tank? They are super small
  2. 7EB7006D-E03D-49D7-9563-CFB0A7C949A5.jpeg


  3. Pwojo

    20 g dwarf gourami tank mate?

    How about five Trigonostigma espei and five neon tetras?
  4. Pwojo

    20 g dwarf gourami tank mate?

    So between the Cory’s and rad peas I can add 6 Cory’s and 9 rasboras so add 15 fish? Can 20g accommodate this? Is there another gourami I can get? A female as a tank mate for the male dwarf cobalt?
  5. Pwojo

    Upgrading from 10g to 20g

    Hi I have a ten g with one gourami 3 Cory catfish 4 snails 6 cherry shrimp and several live plants and large piece of wood. I want to move it all over to a new twenty gallon. What’s best procedure for migrating everything over to the new tank? Do I need to cycle new tank or good enough just to...
  6. Pwojo

    20 g dwarf gourami tank mate?

    Hi what is a good tank mate for my dwarf blue cobalt male gourami? Tank is 20 gallons. I have three Cory catfish, four snails and six mail cherry shrimp (gourami doesn’t seem to mind them)
  7. 0CC176F5-B3F4-4A67-A0A1-F97F805D1567.jpeg


  8. Pwojo

    Side of aquarium cracked is it a concern?

    Ya it’s on a kitchen counter top. Slow leak would be ok. Unless I’m away for a week!
  9. Pwojo

    Side of aquarium cracked is it a concern?

    Thanks so much. Is there a product you can use to seal it? Make it look better?
  10. Pwojo

    Side of aquarium cracked is it a concern?

    Hi please see pictures. This is a ten gallon. Do I need to replace or fix this?
  11. 1D580724-F643-48A5-B810-2A67C35E87B5.jpeg


  12. D0A19041-FADC-468B-8FB6-FFD4FC55D604.jpeg


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  14. Pwojo

    A tank mate for my blue cobalt dwarf gourami

    I have a blue cobalt dwarf gourami. I suspect it’s male. Picture attached. He is pretty aggressive and territorial so I only have three Cory catfish and two snails. I want to get my gourami a female companion though. There a type of gourami people would recommend? It’s a ten gallon tank
  15. 63E22438-B509-47B3-B25E-40A6B899E210.jpeg


  16. Pwojo

    Gourami is it a male or female?

    Hi all this is a cobalt dwarf gourami. Is this a make or a female?
  17. D1FBCC69-ABC1-4FD2-904D-ACA5C6F4E902.jpeg


  18. 7A9212C3-D0B3-4E93-85B2-62BB4E375A36.jpeg


  19. 21E3D935-7586-40C7-8A4D-E15B44A84E00.jpeg


  20. 6B3FB78F-F6A9-4770-A451-54968DD6ECDE.jpeg

