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    New guppy fin rot?

    Thanks for your help. I've dosed with the NDX this morning and switched the light off for the next 24 hours. I'll update this thread after a few days. Fingers crossed it helps!
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    New guppy fin rot?

    Also, I've noticed over the last couple of hours that the fish now has a long, thin white poo hanging down. It has been stuck there for a while, which I haven't seen before.
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    New guppy fin rot?

    Thank you. I've got the following two medications already at home: Fluke-Solve - Treats gill flukes, skin flukes, and tapeworms. eSHa NDX - Treats parasitic roundworms I looked up Esha's other parasite medication (gdex) and it mirrors the Fluke Solve. I know it's very hard to give advice like...
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    New guppy fin rot?

    Thanks for your response. Yes, it does seem like it could be internal worms. He's much thinner than the other guppies, but still has a strong appetite, which would make sense. I guess that the others might have less severe worms, which could be causing the occasional flashing I'm seeing? Do you...
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    New guppy fin rot?

    The fin doesn't seem to have gotten worse, so it seems that it isn't fin rot. However, the guppy still doesn't look well, and I've had some other issues with the tank. A lot of the time the ill fish kind of floats around with the tail angled downwards. He still eats, but has less energy than...
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    New guppy fin rot?

    Thanks Ellie! Unfortunately I don't have any earlier photos, but I'll keep an eye on him over the next few days and upload some more photos if I think it's getting worse. He doesn't seem to be getting bullied by the others (at least not that I've noticed). I'll hold off on any medication...
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    New guppy fin rot?

    Hello, Four days ago I added 7 guppies to my tank after a 2 week quarantine. During the quarantine I used some aquarium salt and Pimafix/Melafix, but no other treatments. All the guppies seemed fine in the quarantine, although I wasn't sure if one had slightly clamped fins. After adding him...
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    A quick check that I've setup a quarantine tank correctly

    Thanks. I bought a bunch of elodea and added it with the salvinia, so I feel a bit happier about the water quality now. Thanks, this is really good advice. I know what gill fluke behaviour looks like as my other guppies had them, but I'll spend some time researching the others to get a better...
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    A quick check that I've setup a quarantine tank correctly

    Thanks for the tips - PVC pieces sound like a good idea. I have salvinia in my main tank too, so I'll move some across tomorrow before getting the fish.
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    A quick check that I've setup a quarantine tank correctly

    Hello, The first five fish I bought (all male guppies) had flukes from the shop. Unfortunately four died soon after getting them, but the fifth pulled through with the help of Vetark Fluke Solve and now seems to be doing really well (I have a thread about what happened). So, I'd like to get...
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    Hello - new to fish keeping (and not having a good start)

    Thanks for your kind words! I've got a thread going here with more details about the tank and steps I've taken - I just added an update too :)
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    Guppies dying in a newly planted tank - trying to save the remaining two

    A quick update on the tank... Sadly the fourth guppy (who was already showing severe signs of illness when I made this thread) passed away before I received the medication. However, the good news is that the last guppy is still going strong. I started the Vetark medication around 6 days ago...
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    Guppies dying in a newly planted tank - trying to save the remaining two

    Thanks for your help. I'll start with the Vetark when it arrives tomorrow, then I'll follow up with the eHSa once I've finished the first treatment. I'll report back on how it goes - fingers crossed it saves the last one.
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    Guppies dying in a newly planted tank - trying to save the remaining two

    Thank you. I've ordered eSHa-ndx from Amazon - it's also arriving tomorrow. Is it safe to use both the eSHa and Vetark together in the tank with shrimp? Individually they seem to both be OK for shrimp, but I'm wary of how they might interact.
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    Guppies dying in a newly planted tank - trying to save the remaining two

    Thank you for your response. The Vetark Fluke Solve is arriving tomorrow, so I'll start treating with it as soon as it arrives and hopefully save the last one. Their website says it's safe for shrimp, which is why I went for it over the other options...
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    Guppies dying in a newly planted tank - trying to save the remaining two

    Here's a picture of the tank and a close up of the fourth guppy, who sadly seems to be going downhill rapidly.
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    Guppies dying in a newly planted tank - trying to save the remaining two

    Hello, I'm having major issues with my first tank. Since adding male 5 guppies and 2 cherry shrimp around one week ago, three of the guppies have died. A fourth looks like he might pass away soon. I'm hoping I can at least save the fifth guppy, even if the fourth is too far gone, but I've got...
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    Hello - new to fish keeping (and not having a good start)

    Hello, I found this forum while searching for help with my new aquarium, which sadly has not gone well. Three of the five guppies have died within the first week, despite it being a planted tank that had been cycling for over a month (water parameters also look fine to me). Another guppy looks...