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  1. E

    Stocking advice for a 630L

    Thank you - there is just so much to consider, and I don’t want to get it wrong or risk putting any of them into the wrong set up. I do feel I have a bit of a saving grace in that I have a great LFS that not only can source practically any fish, but they will also take in any fish. So if I do...
  2. E

    Stocking advice for a 630L

    Ooh I forgot one, Ellioti Cichlid, so very pretty!
  3. E

    Hi everyone

    Thank you everyone :thanks:
  4. E

    Stocking advice for a 630L

    Hi, I have a 530L tank (5ftx18”x30”) plus a 3ft sump (max 150L). It is fully cycled, parameters are settled and steady. PH 7.5 and GH 180ppm. It is mostly open sand substrate, with a large pile of rocks, and some bigger pieces of bog wood off to one side. I’ve started off with 8 Clown Loaches...
  5. E

    Hi everyone

    Hello, I am a relatively new fish keeper. I have a few questions, and I’ve already found some brilliant advice just reading through some of the topics, so I thought I’d bite the bullet and introduce myself.