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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. P

    All-female guppy babies?

    Is this possible? We rescued three different batches of newborn guppies from our guppy tank for a total of 19 babies. They have grown up in our nursery tank and ALL appear to be females. What could cause this, or what are the odds of this happening?
  2. P

    Dying plants and algae bloom

    Thank you again, Byron. Everything you suggested is doable. I have one question. A neighbor who raised and distributed tropical fish for a couple of decades before retiring told me today that what we need is a UV sterilizing unit. Do you agree that this would help? Do you have any...
  3. P

    Dying plants and algae bloom

    Attaching two pics. One is of the whole aquarium, as requested. It doesn't really show the extent of the algae bloom, so I'm also sending a close-up of part of the tank. Thanks so much for your help.
  4. algae bloom 2.jpg

    algae bloom 2.jpg

  5. algae bloom 1.jpg

    algae bloom 1.jpg

  6. P

    Dying plants and algae bloom

    Thanks very much, Byron, for your thorough reply. I will get a photo of the tank up in the next couple of hours. Meanwhile, will try to figure out the Hygger lighting system.
  7. P

    Dying plants and algae bloom

    Thanks for the tip on sinking pellets AND the plant food. We suspected it might be part of the problem.
  8. P

    Dying plants and algae bloom

    I've been reading up here on algae blooms and am not sure where to start to remedy our problem -- dying plants AND a green-water algae bloom. We have a 300 gallon freshwater planted tank which is underpopulated mostly with various tetras, angelfish, algae eaters and catfish. We've been...
  9. P

    Ich-y questions

    Our 300-gallon planted tank has been established for a couple of months. Then a few fish began disappearing. Two days ago. I spotted one with tell-tale white spots and yesterday treated the tank with API Super-Ick Cure and raised the tank temp to 85. Three weak/dead fish this morning but no...
  10. P

    Retirees' 300-gallon adventure

    We've been posting on the "Introduce Yourself" section about our mission to revive the 300-gallon aquarium we built into our living room wall 20+ years ago. We managed to keep it going for several years and then Life intervened, the tank failed, and we didn't have the time/energy/$$$ to revive...




  13. P

    Question re box filter with blue spiky plastic balls

    No, the box filter is underneath the tank.
  14. P

    Question re box filter with blue spiky plastic balls

    Our filter system in our 300-gallon tank may be old tech (we resurrected it from a 20-year-old set-up) but it used to work just fine, so we're using it again. My question is, now that the pumps are running, the filter box with the balls in it is only filling halfway -- i.e. only half the balls...
  15. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Not quite sure how to navigate to post new info, but here goes! We have all the sand, rocks and driftwood in place, plus a few items from our collection of Native American artifacts (spearheads, a mortar and pestle, tomahawk head, etc!). We're not sure the artifacts belong in a tropical...
  16. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Hmmmm -- too bad. I was hoping that getting very small angelfish to grow up with the very small shrimp would solve the problem. Oh well, I have been educated. Thanks!
  17. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    I've been worried that they might eat the smaller fish/shrimp etc. But someone else said that if you introduce them when they are very small, then they're not aggressive when they are bigger. True? I can get the angelfish as small as nickle sized.
  18. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    We've been very busy the past few days getting things laid out in preparation for water and plants. Not quite ready yet as we're waiting for more sand but I do have a pic of the work in progress. It's hard to get a good shot because the aquarium is see-through and there's lots of confusion...
  19. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Thanks for the reference. Their site looks great!
  20. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Great info... I've been looking for Dwarf Angelfish, but no one seems to have them. Are they a myth, or is there a supplier or two out there?
  21. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Wow, reproducing goldfish! We thought about goldfish but hubby wants tropicals. Sounds like you're having fun!
  22. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Thanks for the good advice. I hadn't thought about the temperature!
  23. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Thanks for the helpful suggestions!
  24. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Very helpful info. Where do you get your plants? From a shop, or online distributor or what? For that matter, where are folks getting their fish...from a bricks and mortar aquarium, or shipped directly from an online distributor, or...???
  25. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Yikes -- maybe should forget about angelfish in a community tank?
  26. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    "Pondholler" is actually the name of our farm as our house overlooks the aforementioned spring-fed, 3-acre pond and there are six other ponds on the place. I didn't think about the confusion here on this forum where folks actually set up and manage ponds, I was just trying to choose something...
  27. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Educate me please.... Are angelfish aggressive? I'm planning on having some, but worry that they may eat the cardinals and other small fish.
  28. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Actually, we've talked about doing something like that, but it sounds like it may be beyond our realm of expertise. But it sure would be fun!
  29. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Harlequins! What a great idea!!! Thanks 😊
  30. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Thanks for all the great advice! I just ordered a water test kit so don't know the specifics of our water quality yet, but if it is any help, our water source is a 1,000-gallon- a-minute big spring that flows into a pond where trout and lots of aquatic life thrive. In any case, I will post the...
  31. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Funny, I was thinking dwarf angelfish, but maybe 7-8, who hopefully wouldn't eat the swarm of 20 cardinals I'm envisioning.
  32. P

    Retired and reviving 300-gallon tank

    Some 20 years ago, my husband and I set up a 300-gallon freshwater aquarium and ran it successfully for about 7 years. Then Life happened (mostly my husband's cardiac arrest and triple bypass surgery, which caused me to go back to work, blah-blah-blah) and the tank was abandoned. Now we're in...