Search results

  1. M

    Piranha, Exodons, Barracuda

    I just wanted to add some personal experience to the exodons topic. I have a school of 7 exodons and i love these fish. They are very active and barely pick at my other fish although the other fish are a firemouth, a severum, and a flowerhorn which can all dish some aggression back. They feed...
  2. M

    Best Way To Clean A Shrimp Tank

    put some type of mesh over the end of the tube in the tank when you do water changes. This will prevent the shrimp from getting sucked into the bucket
  3. M

    My Fish

    I don't think that person is gonna respond now
  4. M

    12 Gallon Cube

    Hopefully saturday i will be able to make it down to my local fish store and pick up supplies to start my 12 gallon cube that i got free from a friend. I need to pick up live rock, live sand, and salt water. Here are my questions: 1. do you think a 70 watt metal halide clip on lamp will be...
  5. M

    Breeding Tank For Tetras

    If you want to acclimate the neons to soft water slowly and conditio them then put them in the conditioning tank with your regular tank water and through water changes add. the water that you will have them breed in. I don't know that much about breeding neons but i believe a decent size school...
  6. M

    Soccer Tricks

    A one leg rainbow? do you mean when it is trapped behind your knee then you flip it over your head?
  7. M

    Baseball Team Poll

    You also need to add my favorite team the Atlanta Braves.
  8. M


    I love goldens! I have one myself!
  9. M

    Diy Water Fountain/ Fall

    The "stuff" they put over the foam pieces is great stuff and then silicone or just silicone on the foam or the liquid cement that you can put on. I know they do it that way in dart frog tanks.
  10. M

    Small Fish, Big Tank

    ABF= African Butterfly fish It is in the Fish Forum Index if you have never seen them before. I think they are very interesting fish and am planning to get 2 for my 55 gallon soon!
  11. M

    The 'tetra Species' By Riickyomd

    very nice. Add the small but pretty Ember Tetra. I don't think you have it but it is hard to tell with common names and not scientific. I think wolf did a list of tetras and their sizes a while back.
  12. M


    I live in northern florida and we have pretty small waves hear unless there is a swell like the one that came on the fourth of july giving us waves up to 4+ feet. Usually in the summer not even half of the days are good for surfing. It is fun though!
  13. M


    I surf and was wondering if anybody else does?
  14. M

    Stocking Options

    I just setup my dad's 75 gallon tank. He wanted cichlids although i am not sure whether malawi or mbuna. I was wondering if you experts on cichlids could give me some fish that would fit nicely in my dad's tank. The tank has very fine gravel, plenty of rocks stacked close to the top, and a good...
  15. M

    Salivator Puffers

    Those are very cool puffers. I like the look of the tank too.
  16. M

    Glow Light Tetras

    The white marks are on all five of my glowlights.
  17. M

    Suprise Fish!

    i found out that it is a sole. they are pretty cool.
  18. M

    Oak Leaves In Aquariums

    the leaves look good. How are the chocolate gouramis doing? :D
  19. M

    Suprise Fish!

    My mom told one of her customers about my aquarium so that costumer brought me 5 fish from his catch in the St. Johns river. He said that one of his relatives kept this fish in their aquarium for years. It looks like a flounder except freshwater and i remeber that synirr got one a while back ...
  20. M

    Pics Of My Tank

    It's 55 gallons and now has been fullt planted for three months. :D
  21. M

    Fat Cat

    Nice cat. Looks like it is going to explode! :D
  22. M

    Pics Of My Tank

    I agree with you splish. It makes them look alot deeper in color. :D
  23. M

    Common Pleco Or Clown Loaches

    Lown loaches can grow and become pretty big. I say that if you have any algea than get the rubbernose but if not get something else. :D
  24. M

    Pics Of My Tank

    Thanks. 5 glowlights, 4 harleqiun rasbora, 6 lemon tetras, 1 neon, 2 otos, 1 dwarf Gourami, and 1 singapore flower shrimp. I know they are not in the right numbers but the neon and Harlequins will be leaving and i am working on getting more otos, I want 5. :D
  25. M

    Pics Of My Tank

    Here are a pew pics of my tank when the lily pads are not trimmed What do you guys think? :D
  26. fish_567.JPG


  27. fish538.JPG


  28. fish_567.JPG


  29. M

    Buying Fish At

    I'm glad you posted because i need a place to buy fish when my lfs can't get there hands on a certian fish. Can't wait to see pics of your L260s.
  30. M

    Suprise Fry

    Unfotunantly i do not know how to post pictures up and i have not bought any fish for five or six weeks. I can't wait for it to grow to see what it is. I will try to post pictures again.
  31. M

    Suprise Fry

    I was looking at my tank after a wter change and saw a tiny fish that ia about 1.5 to 2 centimeters. It has a black stripe that runs across its whole body and has no color otherwise than a little sparkle near its head. It hides in my microsword. In my tank there are 4 Harleqiun rasbora, 1 dwarf...
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    Collecting Driftwood

    Baking it in the oven helps to kill off all the bacteria and isn't very hard. :D
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    Thanks for the replies. It still probably has an half inch to grow. :D
  34. M


    I bought a singapor flower shrimp or wood shrimp or about 6 weeks ago and two days ago it molted for it's second time. I wa wondering how often the shrimp molts and is mine molting alot becuse it is growing. I think i remember reading that shrimp molt every one to two months: thats why i was...
  35. M

    75 Gallon(us) Tank Suggestions

    You could set up an african cichlid tank, or new world cichlids like an oscar,or a tank full of oddballs like african butterfly fish and an eel. just a few suggstions. :D
  36. M

    New 20g

    I would also go for some school of tetras like cardinals or glowlights. Look at the fish index here and some pictures at and see what you like :D
  37. M

    Us Using Sunfish To Test Water? Opinons?

    I'm with skiltrip. I don't think it is that bad. they want the water to be good condition so the water isn't going to be very bad and there will be plenty of space for them to swim. :D
  38. M

    African Spur Thigh Tortoise

    cool tortoise! how big is it going to get? :D
  39. M

    Is This Annoying Or Is It Just Me?

    I don't really care about the use of commas, semi-colons, ar apostrophes, or even one word like Lfs but when it is the whole text it does become annoying although not hard to read. I have alot of friends that like to shorten words but that is on the phone and we are 15 or 16. :D
  40. M

    Local Bass Tank Setup?!?!?!?

    I don't know much about how the setup would work but i would check the laws and restrictions on taking fish fom the lake. Sound like a cool idea though. :D