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  1. I

    What fish should I stock?

    okay thanks for the suggestion!
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    What fish should I stock?

    This is a more for fun question as I really have no idea what I want to stock! I have a 29 gallon which 3 guppies and 3 Cory catfish. I upgraded recently ish so I do plan on getting AT LEAST 2 maybe 3 more cory's for the tank. Besides that im completely clueless on what fish i should stock. I...
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    Leaves creating bubbles, Is this dangerous?

    Hey, so while i’ve had a fish tank for like almost a 7ish months now but, i still considered myself a beginner. Recently i upgraded my tank to a 29 gal and had questions about neon tetras . I was recommended Indian almond leaves, which i recently put in my aquarium. I have three in right now and...
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    My neon tetras keep dying and i dont know why

    ahhh okay thank you!
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    My neon tetras keep dying and i dont know why

    okay thank you for the advice!
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    Just joining!

    Hello! I am more of a recent fish lover. I started about 8 months ago with a simple 10 gallon with 3 guppies, two mollies, and a cory. I have recently updated to a 29 Gallon tank with 4 guppies, 2 fancy guppies, and 3 cory’s. Soon i plan on getting another cory some platies and maybe some cherry...
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    My neon tetras keep dying and i dont know why

    Says 140 and abt 8.2 per gallon. Sorry if i sound unknowing i’m relatively new to this hobby and i’m only now starting to truly begin to take it more seriously
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    My neon tetras keep dying and i dont know why

    Also i change about 50% water every 2-3 weeks
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    My neon tetras keep dying and i dont know why

    Api Stress Coat, Ammo Lock, and Stress Zyme. Also i can see the hardness being the issue but i don’t currently have any extra tests on me to confirm. I appreciate the help and will get some more tests with some driftwood soon!
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    My neon tetras keep dying and i dont know why

    parameters as in ph levels, temp, etc Yes i used a test kit and i did cycle the 29 i had also put old substrate and filter to help with the cycling. Although it seem that it might’ve been my bubbler that was the problem as no more have died since. Also by chemicals i meant stress coat...
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Dwarf Gouramis aren’t peaceful they always kill others
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    My neon tetras keep dying and i dont know why

    So recently I upgraded my fish tank from a 10 Gal. to a 29 Gal and transferred the fish I had (3 guppies, 4 Neons, and 2 Corydoras). they had just recently gotten big so i knew it was time to transfer, after putting everything in and acclimating my neon tetras all died, but the guppies and corys...