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    🐠 TOTM Dogmanpaul - May 2023 Tank of the Month Winner (31 Gal & larger)

    Thank you. Thanks to everyone that voted. I'm really shocked. I'm glad you like the tank, I've loved doing it and hope it gets better as I learn more
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    🐠 TOTM Vote Now - May 2023 Tank of the Month Contest (31 Gal & Larger)

    My 56 G tank. This has been my project for the past 4 months. Ciano 120 emotions pro with an Eheim external filter. Plants Anubias consensus, Hygophilia polysperma, Limnophila aromatica, Bucophalandra Theia, Microsorum Pteropus, Hygophilia Lancea, Echindoms Rose, Cryptocoryne nevelli, Bacopa...
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    Hello, Going on an adventure, will need help

    My tank seems to be progressing well with the plants growing. I now have the following in: 10 Cardinals 5 Diamond Neons 5 Ember Tetras 10 cherry Barbs 10 Rhombo barbs 2 Ottos 4 Pepper Corys, 2 Albino Corys and 4 Duplicate Corys. My question is Can I add 4 medium sized angels? also would i be...
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    Hello, Going on an adventure, will need help

    Can anyone tell me if this is white spot. I've lost 7 cardinals in a week. Noticed this today. It's not eating and not with the others.
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    My New Planted Tank

    Hi, I have recently broken up my saltwater tank and in the process of setting up a new tropical tank. I have volcanic substrate and aqua soil, I have about 30 plants from aquarium gardens. My levels are going well, Day 7 with water Amm 0, PH 7.4, NO2 0.02, NO3 5, KH 2, GH 7.als I have...
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    Hello, Going on an adventure, will need help

    Day 7 now. Levels seem good but now getting this growth on the wood only. Do I need to worry??
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    Hello, Going on an adventure, will need help

    I have got 2 bags of JBL volcanic minerals and 2 bags tropica aqua soil. I also have fine sand at the front with small gravel inbetween the rocks and sand, I am not going to co2 dose, but i am looking at seachem flourish to feed the plants. hopefully getting fish in the next few days as soon as...
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    Hello, Going on an adventure, will need help

    Im now at day four with just plants and water in. I have dosed with Tetrasafe and also Fluval Cycle (250ml over 3 days) My reading are: Amm 0, PH 7.4, KH 1.6 (not sure if the test kit is accurate as its a saltwater kit) NO2 0.5, NO3 20. Hoping Im going in the right direction, was...
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    Hello, Going on an adventure, will need help

    Very exciting few days. Tanks arrived and I'm almost 90% done with hardscaping. Still needs something on the right side. Will get something today and then silicone it all in. Still shopping for plants. Any comments to improve it would be good.
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    Hello, Going on an adventure, will need help

    ok. This is a quick update.I have now broken down my Marine tank and I am waiting for my new tank to be delivered, Hopefully 10th. Its a Ciano 120 pro emotions. I am going to get rid of the internal filter and use my Ehiem Professional 3, external filter and heater after it has been completely...
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    Hardscaping rocks

    Thanks everyone for all the advice. This won't get started till the new year (missus does want the mess at Christmas). So plenty of time for homework and to look. I do like this look of dragonstone 🤔
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    Hardscaping rocks

    It says its Slightly hard 7.84
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    Hardscaping rocks

    This is where I hay confused, soft/hard water ??? Pardon my ignorance