Search results

  1. speakerman3

    10 gallon tank heaters for Betta. Suggestions?

    I'd go with 50 watts for a 10 gallon. When heaters malfunction, it's often in the direction of not turning off. Even a 50 watt could fry a fish in a 10 gallon--if the room temperature isn't frigid. A 100 watt could do it quickly.
  2. speakerman3

    Jaguar Cichlid (4M) - doesn't seem to want to eat

    If you haven't changed the water lately, try a partial change, adding some salt with the new water. Watch his reaction closely with each thing you try. Epsom salt can also be used to treat constipation if you think he might be "jammed up."
  3. speakerman3

    Jaguar Cichlid (4M) - doesn't seem to want to eat

    Be careful not to overdo filter cleaning. The bacteria in the filter is what remove ammonia and nitrite from the water, so you just need to shake excess sludge out of your media in a bucket of tank water. As for your jaguar eating, have you tried giving him mealworms, earthworms, or some other...
  4. speakerman3

    Side of aquarium cracked is it a concern?

    You might try masking below it and putting some thick epoxy in the crack. It might smooth out the sharp edges. Just clean up any overfill with a razor blade as soon as possible--before it hardens.
  5. speakerman3

    What tank should I get?

    The tanks that you have listed links to run from about 30 gallons to 60 gallons. I'm not sure how things are in your area, but there is always someone near my area (north of Los Angeles) looking to sell a 55 or 60 gallon for between $50 and $200 depending on condition, accessories, and so on. It...
  6. speakerman3

    What do Oscars eat?

    Botia loaches love snails. If you have a lot of room (I would say a 200+ gallon tank, a group of clown leaches would be awesome. If not, other Botias are hardy and can work, but be aware that some are territorial and need to be kept as individuals.
  7. speakerman3

    Making an outdoor nano pond

    I'm working on an outdoor 100 gallon tank with a sponge divider (Hamburg-Matten) filter close to one side that has a powerhead pushing water into an above-tank planter that runs the length of the tank and returns water on the other side. I am planning on using soil-less media and including...
  8. speakerman3

    Does it matter what type of paint I use on the OUTSIDE of an aquarium?

    Back in the day, I spray painted aluminum foil and crinkled it up for a simulated 3D background--well, it was 3D but behind the tank. I don't see why you couldn't do that without crinkling.
  9. speakerman3

    I got a pothos from lowes... Can I plant it on my aquarium if i just rinse it well?

    Some sources recommend dipping briefly in vinegar when no rooting hormone is available. I haven't had any problem rooting pathos without rooting hormone, but a vinegar dip might help. Try adding a vinegar dipped cutting to your experiment.
  10. speakerman3

    Molly Fish cold water question

    The lower temperature was not extreme for mollies, and that alone should not cause any long-term damage. One thing to consider is that more oxygen is available at lower temperatures, so when you raise the heat up again, it is very important to have pristine water conditions and good aeration...
  11. speakerman3

    Mistake? Or just overreacting. (Firemouth pair)

    It is quite normal for fish to be shy after being moved. So they will probably be less shy in the near future. Unfortunately, it is also fairly common for cichlids that have paired up to break their bond after being moved or having a tank rearranged. Their current behavior might just be...
  12. speakerman3

    Bristlenose Catfish

    Every type of catfish that I have ever owned has gone crazy for worms--microworms, black worms, earthworms. Just find something of the appropriately size and try it. I have a worm compost bin, so I can find earthworms of various sizes in it. If you have a safe spot in your garden, you could try...
  13. speakerman3

    Any strong opinions on the ethics of long-fin varieties of fish?

    If we don't create suffering and give the fish a good life, reasonable variations are fine. When Louis Doberman crossed the Rottweiler with various terriers to ultimately solidify the Doberman Pinscher, was that a problem? What about dogs that are mainly companion breeds? Animal husbandry is a...
  14. speakerman3

    Bristlenose Catfish

    If you put live worms in will she eat them? Thirteen years is a long time, though, so your concerns are probably warranted.
  15. speakerman3

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    Cake "Stickshifts and Safety Belts
  16. speakerman3

    Internal parasite treatment help

    If your fish are eating, try a treated food as well. Last I knew, Ken's Fish sold different types of medicated food. I'm sure that other places have them, too. iAqua Purple is also a good general anti-parasitic that has potassium permanganate in it. Just be careful about dosing with a P.P...
  17. speakerman3

    Support for brutalized fish

    It sounds like you are taking the right approach. 1 tablespoon of rock, kosher, or other non-iodized salt for each five gallons is fairly standard. You could work up to that and make sure that you only replace the appropriate portion for water changes.
  18. speakerman3

    guppy fry in a fish bowl temporarily

    I found a local fish store when I lived in northern California that would buy all of my juvenile fancy guppies. This was almost thirty years ago, but I got $1 credit for each fish.
  19. speakerman3

    Please give your suggestions...easiest (non-livebearer) fish to spawn

    I wouldn't be surprised if that worked out. I haven't bred blue acaras, but they are relatively mellow, so if you have distinct areas for each group, those and then bristlenose might spawn concurrently in that 35. My bristlenose would spawn regardless of what was happening in the rest of the...
  20. speakerman3

    Please give your suggestions...easiest (non-livebearer) fish to spawn

    For which fish? A 40 gallon breeder is big enough for most of these, but what are you wanting to try?
  21. speakerman3

    Cory cat treatment, salt and H2O2 levels

    I know someone who uses a potassium permanganate solution regularly for treating parasites--he gets a lot of wild-caught fish. He swears by it. I know that it is used for ponds, so it makes sense. The dose has to be very low, so a blend like IAqua Purple is probably safest.
  22. speakerman3

    Help with cycling

    You could try keeping the shrimp shells out (since they are an unknown variable) and see how long it takes for the tank to remove 4 ppm ammonia, and then add more ammonia and go another round. I've never used fritzzyme, but a full bottle for a 29 seems like a lot. Check nitrite and nitrate...
  23. speakerman3

    guppy fry in a fish bowl temporarily

    Plastic storage tubs (like for shoes, clothing, and so on) and buckets work well as makeshift tanks until you find room. Of course, they are not pretty containers, but storage containers usually have good surface area relative to their size. I have found ten gallon tanks sitting by the curb...
  24. speakerman3

    Please give your suggestions...easiest (non-livebearer) fish to spawn

    Most of my experience is with cichlids. Convict cichlids will breed even when you don't want them to and are excellent parents that will protect their babies against all threats. I've seen a convict pair keep two large Oscars isolated to one third of a large tank because there were baby convicts...
  25. speakerman3

    Betta with BF tetras in a 29g?

    If you opt to control the snails rather than eliminate them, tie a piece of dental floss to a binder clip, put a leaf of lettuce in the binder clip, and submerge it in your tank before bed. In the morning, it should be covered with snails that you can "reel in" and dispose of. Maybe you know...
  26. speakerman3

    A Terrible Fish Article

    What's truly frightening is that I have seen worse information on the internet regarding tropical fish than this. In part, I blame Google translate. My theory is that fish breeders in China--or elsewhere, but not English speakers--are churning out fish profiles that are generic at best, using...
  27. speakerman3

    Betta with BF tetras in a 29g?

    For snail control, it is hard to beat a small botia loach. Unfortunately, I don't think that will work in your tank, and kuhli loaches don't seem to be up to the task. You would need to get a variety that doesn't bother your fish but doesn't require large numbers of its own kind. That is a hard...
  28. speakerman3

    bristlenose pleco Question

    Regardless of sex, my bristlenose plecos were out and visible much of the time--and not just those in my grow-out tank. That has not been the case with the juvenile clown plecos that I currently have, but if I knew the sex of those, I would share it.
  29. speakerman3

    Betta with BF tetras in a 29g?

    Siamese algae eater image
  30. speakerman3

    Betta with BF tetras in a 29g?

    I have never kept a betta with black phantom tetras, but I've had bettas in various tanks with schooling fish. As long as the schooling fish aren't nippy--and I expect that yours wouldn't be--it should work out. As a kid, I had a community tank with some nippy tiger barbs and one would pester my...
  31. speakerman3

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    A coke can would be a good way to catch Kuhli loaches in the wild. They can easily congregate in the "safety" of the can (especially if there is something tasty for them to eat inside), and then the aquarist can pull out a good group in one fell swoop.
  32. speakerman3

    bristlenose pleco Question

    I agree with the others who said the white dots are probably just his coloration. If the bristlenose was introduced after your other fish, however, and there is a chance that it has ich, watch carefully. Plecos are usually the last to get ich due to their armor, but they can be more difficult to...
  33. speakerman3

    Stocking a 15 gal fluval flex questions.

    They are better with you in the 15 than they were before in the 5, and they will be better with you than if they go back to Petsmart. If you can get a better tank for them in the future, that would be great, but in the meantime, thank you for giving them more attention and better conditions.
  34. speakerman3

    Hello! I'm Bree.

    Welcome, Bree. I bred bettas as a youngster. They are beautiful and fascinating.
  35. speakerman3

    Going to start an 85 Gallon Tank.

    I would expect that you can find better and cheaper options near you if you check around. A lot of the big breeders are in Florida. Whatever the case, do some searching by web and phone before you spend big money to have fish shopped. I have had good and bad experiences having fish...
  36. speakerman3

    9,000 Gallon Tropical Guppy Tank

    Nice setup! I'm guessing that the flounder-looking loaches are hillstream loaches. It would be very cool if those breed in your pond.
  37. speakerman3

    9,000 Gallon Tropical Guppy Tank

    And if it's for koi, it wouldn't need to be heated much if at all. White clouds or Medaka would also work in cooler water. I would want it to be something that would be easy to sell when things get crowded. Put one variety of rare pleco in to help control algae and as a way to return some of...
  38. speakerman3

    Dalmatian Molly Not Swimming

    Unless you used filter media from an established tank, your filter hasn't had time to cycle yet. Also, did you use anything to remove chlorine or chloramine from your tank? Stress coat doesn't detoxify those chemicals that are used in drinking water. If your area uses chlorine, the chlorine has...
  39. speakerman3

    Is my gray platy pregnant? Please help!!😅

    Male platies tend to constantly pester female platies. That's why it is good to have multiple fish in a tank to allow individuals to get a break. If you have plants or other hiding places, though, it shouldn't be a problem. I have a male molly that tends to bother one female until she turns...