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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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    Bullying in my tank

    I dont think I have enough space to do both
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    Bullying in my tank

    20 gal,I have 3 mollies and two albino cory cats
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    Bullying in my tank

    i only have enough space for one more fish,is that ok
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    Bullying in my tank

    I was just now able to check and it looks like the bullies are male and female and that the bullied is male
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    Bullying in my tank

    Sadly I cannot,Im writing this from my commputer since my parenys took my phone for no reason and refuse to give it back.The commputer has a camera but its pretty grainy
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    Bullying in my tank

    So recently I have noticed that 2 of my panda mollies are bullying another molly.They will go out of their way to chase her and I have no idea why this is happening.The bullying started about 2 days ago,before then then they were perfectly fine but all of a sudden they just wouldnt leave her...
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    I lost one of my fish

    Thank you,I called the petco and they already said can come come and get the missing piece
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    I lost one of my fish

    The piece wasnt in the box and this being my first tank,I thought that it would be ok
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    I lost one of my fish

    It turns out there was a piece missing that would've kept the fish out.
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    I lost one of my fish

    So today After getting home from school I decided to check on my fish.Then I noticed that my filter was acting weird so I unplugged it and it turns out one of my fish had gotten sucked into the filter and had died.Im heartbroken,I d only had her for about 5 days. She was a beautiful lyretail...
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    One of my mollies has been staying at the surface and seems to be gasping

    Just now I was able to test for ammonia and the test came back as .50 ppm,Is that ok, or is that too much
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    One of my mollies has been staying at the surface and seems to be gasping

    Ok I will as soon as possible,thank you so much for the help
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    One of my mollies has been staying at the surface and seems to be gasping

    My test strips don't check for ammonia, should I go buy some ammonia testers?
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    One of my mollies has been staying at the surface and seems to be gasping

    Update: the original fish that was doing this is moving around a bit more than last night. But now another fish is doing the same thing!
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    One of my mollies has been staying at the surface and seems to be gasping

    I did a test just now and nitrite and nitrate were both at zero.
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    One of my mollies has been staying at the surface and seems to be gasping

    I did about 5 tests before adding my fish and they all came back fine
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    One of my mollies has been staying at the surface and seems to be gasping

    I just checked on the fish but instead of gasping, they are laying still at the bottom of the tank
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    One of my mollies has been staying at the surface and seems to be gasping

    I just got 4 new mollies and 2 cory catfish today and after a few hour this one molly has been staying at the surface for the last 10 minutes. It wont ever leave the surface for any reason and it is the only fish in the tank doing this.I checked the water parameters before i added the fish