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  1. D

    Breeding Pygmy Corydoras

    It sits at 72°F without a heater. The lowest the corydoras will be comfortable at I believe. I'm considering getting a heater so that when I change the water with something cooler it won't be too cold for my fish. When I do change the water it gets no colder than 68° F for a few hours
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    Breeding Pygmy Corydoras

    Thanks for the advice! Are regular leaves just as good as good as the ones they sell at fish shops (almond leaves and the like)? I had never considered this. The water Ph is very low. It's around 6 to 6.5 which I'm led to believe is best for breeding. The hardness is one thing I could take a...
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    Breeding Pygmy Corydoras

    I couldn't say, I never measured it. I can say it is a bit tall, I'd rather have it long I don't think the size of the tank is the issue. When I started the 20 gallon community tank there was a long span of time where it was only cherry shrimp and pygmy corydoras. They still did not breed
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    Breeding Pygmy Corydoras

    Hello all! I've been keeping pygmy corydoras for a few years because they are my favorite fish. I'd really like to see them reproduce but they don't seem to be doing so on their own. So what I'll do here is go through some of the steps I've been taking to get them to spawn and hopefully one of...
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