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  1. C

    Blue Acara - listless, unbalanced, deteriorating: possible hole-in-head disease?

    Poor chap certainly doesn't look happy, I agree. He's 11 months old, not 11 years - so not old. I don't tend to bang (it's a JBL ProAqua kit which has glass vials), but I shake very vigorously, and encouraged Mrs to do the same. Nitrates tend to be very low in that tank, because it has a lot...
  2. C

    Blue Acara - listless, unbalanced, deteriorating: possible hole-in-head disease?

    He's by far the larger of the two acara (both male) and any chasing I've seen has been by him, not of him. Generally it's only about can he get to a choice titbit before his brother. I did look for any obvious protrusions in the tank - there's bogwood roots in there - but a) there's nothing...
  3. C

    Blue Acara - listless, unbalanced, deteriorating: possible hole-in-head disease?

    Hi all - I have a male Blue Acara, approx 11 months old, 5" nose to caudal peduncle, very active, feeds well, same tankmates (another acara, and some lemon tetra) since setup. Yesterday was listless and sullen, didn't rise for food. Today, listless, sullen, not feeding, unbalanced, and seems...