Search results

  1. wherestoad

    Zebra Danio Behavior

    Hi all! So I have been out of town for a while and have only been to the house a few times during between trips. I’ve noticed my fish swimming and circling each other a lot. Specifically these two. I can’t tell if they are trying to breed or something or they are stressed. There are only 5 of...
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  4. wherestoad

    Setting up Planted Tank - Help Needed!!

    Hi all! Some background: I have a 20 gallon tank with neon tetras, zebra danios, a glofish danio (from a friend), two snails (one a golden mystery and the other a black racer nerite), corydoras catfish (3), and a little pleco (also from the friend). They all have been thriving in the tank for...
  5. wherestoad

    Experienced Betta Owners!!!! Advice Needed!!!

    I like that idea. I think I’ll just look around and once I find one that steals my heart I’ll adopt. Thank you so much!
  6. wherestoad

    Experienced Betta Owners!!!! Advice Needed!!!

    This is extremely helpful! Thank you guys so much!!! I have a lot to think about. I’ll probably continue doing research into it too. I do have one more question though. What kind of betta should I get? Let me know your favorite kinds and why too!!!
  7. wherestoad

    Experienced Betta Owners!!!! Advice Needed!!!

    Hi all! So a little bit of background, I have a 20 gallon community tank with zebra danios, neon tetras, corydoras, a purple glow fish I got from a friend, and a pleco. I was thinking about getting another tank and getting a betta. However I know very little about them and want to learn...
  8. wherestoad

    White spots on new pleco

    Alright good. So it should be fine to put him back with the others right?
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  10. wherestoad

    White spots on new pleco

    The tank has been set up for 3 months now. I haven’t checked the levels in the tank in about two weeks (I will check when I get home from work tonight). I have a whisper tetra filter. I clean the filter every 4 weeks (more if needed) and I clean it with a sponge and rinse it out thoroughly. I...
  11. wherestoad

    White spots on new pleco

    Hi. I’m new to keeping fish. I currently have 7 neon tetras, 6 zebra danios, 1 gold mystery snail, 1 black racer nerite snail, a rubber lip pleco and a new pleco my friend gave me because she could no longer care for it all in a 20 gallon tank. The new guy I don’t know what kind he is because...
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