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  1. J

    Got a WC question for ya'll

    i do 30% when my NITRATES hits that 40ppm mark. my tank is heavily planted and this seems to work just fine with me, oh a the fish seem just fine too. my water is : PH 7.4, AMMOMIA 0ppm, NITRITES 0ppm and NITRATES 20ppm-40ppm. and it's kinda been this way since i set this up, the 1st week of Sept.
  2. J

    Got a WC question for ya'll

    Slaphppy 7 I was using SeaChem's PRIME but I'm going to give API's TAP WATER CONDITIONER a try
  3. J

    Got a WC question for ya'll

    I got a Python Water Changer for Christmas, so now I don't have an excuse not to do Water Changes. I have read several opinions online but I return to the TROPICAL FISH FORUM, to the experts. Just kidding, I really do get the best advice here, but anyway, I have a 60gal tank and am planning a...
  4. J

    Vallisneria Italian

    I have a question about my Vallisneria Italian. I planted alot of these about 6 weeks ago and they are growing and spreading very fast. Some of the young plants, off of the shoots have rooted into my substraite (90% of them) and some have rooted, but the roots are far from my substraite (3' or...
  5. J

    Water Conditioners

    sorry forgot to include a few pics
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  8. J

    Water Conditioners

    What do you all recomend as a water conditioner. I don't want anything that will "neutalize my fertilizer" I'm now using a 3/4 dose of Aquarium CO-OP's Easy Green on Sundays and a 3/4 dose of API's Leaf Zone (for the Iron and Potassium) on Wednesdays. Why, you ask, Well for 2 reasons. First...
  9. J

    quick question on Fuzz Algae

    Byron, with the Seachem's Flourish Comprehensive Supplement, directions state, once or twice weekly. What do you recommend for starters. Also, cutting back on my light's brightness by 20%' was that ok ? It does look nicer and not so intense. I did a 30% water change Sunday and haven't fertalized...
  10. J

    quick question on Fuzz Algae

    Byron, I use AQUARIUM CO-OP's EASY GREEN, dosing as recommended on the label as "1 pump per 10 gal, twice a week". So, 60 gal, that would be 12 pumps per week. As for my lighting. I have backed off on the intensity a tad, say from 100% to 80% (it actually looks better) and cutting back on my...
  11. J

    quick question on Fuzz Algae

    additional pics
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  15. J

    quick question on Fuzz Algae

    this is the worst of infestation, but a good example of what I'm talking about
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  17. J

    quick question on Fuzz Algae

    I'm sure this has been covered before, sorry. My planted tank (60gal) is about 11-12 weeks old. I dose twice weekly with EASY GREEN as recommended. I've placed the recommended amount of SeaChem's root tabs in my ECO-Complete. I give my plants about 10 -12 hours of light daily, but not on full...
  18. J

    Iron does for low tech what Co2 does for high tech.

    I currently use: Easy Green from Aquarium Co-Op, twice a week. (as instructed) SeaChem's Root Tabs Eco-Complete as my substrate 10-12 hours of light from my Finnex 24/7 I'm thinking this is sufficient, but would adding additional Iron from API's Leaf Zone, be too much? What would you...
  19. J

    Just a quick question

    my tank is about 6 weeks old now and well planted. I noticed on one of my Amazom Sword Plants that 2 of the origonal 8 outside leaves have slowly rotted (couldn't find a better word) and had to be snipped off. About a week apart. The other 6 outside leaves are as healthy as can be, the inside...
  20. J

    Water changers

    I playing with the idea of getting a water changer. I've seen several listed on Amazon, all with great ratings. What is your opinion on a decent one. A recomendation. It will sure beat the 5gal buckets method. Oh and my tank is a 60gal/ planted. thanx Jerry
  21. J

    Chemical Filtration

    Sorry for al the newbe questions. I've been out of this hobby too long, a lot has changed. This is what I've read : "not to use Charcoal after 3 months, on a new tank. It's not need, except io remove meds in the water." In my AquaClear 110, I use a sponge, floss and the chips for mechanical and...
  22. J

    My Zebras harassing my Otocinlus

    UP-DATE : Everyone is getting along perfectly
  23. J

    Just Curious

    My aquarium lights are off at mid-night. I either game or watch late nite TV till about 2am, I was wondering if the additional light effected anything. I have a blackout tarp thats lite weight, so I've been draping over my tank when I do play or watch
  24. J

    Yellow but not a bright yellow

    That's it. Thats why my wife saw it differently. I was up in my kitchen under the fluorescent light them went outside on my deck for "better lighting". My wife was in the family room under normal lighting and saw it yellow.
  25. J

    Just Curious

    Does anyone cover their Aquariums at nite to block ambient light from the TV's or lamps in the tank room, giving the fish a darkened rest period ? I was wondering if it was necessary to have complete darkness for our fish.
  26. J

    Yellow but not a bright yellow

    No chloramine, I have tested. My wife says it was yellow and it was, but just not like the yellow that I've seen. Of course it might be my 66 year old eyes and my kitchen light today.
  27. J

    Yellow but not a bright yellow

    I just added 16 Cardinal Tetras and 6 Otocinlus cats in my heavily planted 60 gal aquarium with 11 Zebra Danios that were already residence. Today when I tested the water my API showed yellow but it was just slightly off. My wife sais it was still yellow. I would say it's less than .1 ppm...
  28. J

    My Zebras harassing my Otocinlus

    I have an Aqua Clear 110, on low flow, I'll move the slider over to max. I know Zebras love to "shoot the waves" but I noticed the Otos love it too. And by the way. My Zebras have mellowed a bit on their new tank mates too.
  29. J

    My Zebras harassing my Otocinlus

    My Zebras Danios are harassing my Otocinlus Cats. Granted, I just added my Otocinlus Cats (6) yesterday along with some Cardinal Tetras. The 11 Zebras have been the lone population and the only show in town for about 5 weeks and might not like their new tank mates ... YET. They're not bothering...
  30. J

    Stocking Question

    Will do ... Thanx again
  31. J

    Stocking Question

    Thanx Byron, All my Vallisneria Vals (37) plant are shooting out runners and one runner shot up my stone wall with 3 babies plants in tow. Looks pretty cool. Plenty of new growth too for them. All 4 Banana Plants have rooted and are shooting a new leaf each. In the past, never had much luck with...
  32. J

    Stocking Question

    My 60gal, well planted aquarium has been up and running for just over 5 weeks. It has ALWAYS tested (with API's Test Kit) ... 0ppm Ammonium/ 0ppm Nitrites and between 10ppm-20ppm Nitrates. I use Co-Op's EASY GREEN for my plants, dosing twice a week as instructed. My plant grouth is amazing. But...
  33. J


    As mentioned above. mine melted away pretty much, for about a week or two after planting. I was thinking, "what's plan B". Then I switched from API's LEAF ZONE to Co-Op's EASY GREEN, and they're making a recovery. My light is the FINNEX PLANTED+ 24/7. Its on full for 10 hours a day. I cut it...
  34. J


    As the title reads, I have a question about my Hydrocottyle Tripartita Japan that I haven't found an answer for. First off, these guys pretty much melted away after I first planted them. I chalk it up to them getting use to their new home. I dose twice a week with "EASY GREEN" and they made a...
  35. J

    Cycling Confusion

    Ok, I decided and also figured out at the same time, that I'm doing a "Planted Tank Cycle" I read in detail and re-read the "How to cycle" instructions several times. That read-me post was clear and now I understand the differences between the 3 main ways to cycle. I've always been about a...
  36. J

    Cycling Confusion

    20 junjle vals plants this week
  37. J

    Cycling Confusion

    sorry it took so long but heres my plants ... so far
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