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    What’s wrong with my mom’s blue lobster

    Thank you both. We usually feed him shrimp pellets and for a treat from time to time brine shrimp. It turned out to be his gills after all. We were out of town for a month when he molted. So we aren’t sure what happened. Hopefully it will be fixed with the next molt. We’ve had him for 2 years...
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    What’s wrong with my mom’s blue lobster

    I tried uploading it from my phone to YouTube but it just kept saying upload failed.
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    What’s wrong with my mom’s blue lobster

    Yeah it keeps saying upload fail when I try to upload it on YouTube.
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    What’s wrong with my mom’s blue lobster

    It’s not letting me post the video.
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    What’s wrong with my mom’s blue lobster

    Everything seems to still be attached aside from the whiskers.
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    What’s wrong with my mom’s blue lobster

    So is the spider like legs that move his legs? She thinks that maybe it’s a parasite because they are quite spiked and it doesn’t really look like his legs.
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    What’s wrong with my mom’s blue lobster

    Hello, I’m pretty new here. My mom has a blue lobster named Denny. When we went to vegas he was fine. We had someone there to take care of him, but he molted while we were gone. When we came back we saw what looked like legs or something coming from his side and his side is dented. These things...
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