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  1. R

    Cleaning substrate

    I have an interesting situation regarding substrate. There are hundreds of snails living and aerating and eating in the substrate. These are the dreaded Malaisian trumpet snails. To keep them in check I remove probably 30 a day and feed to 7 happy puffers . I also have a loach to eat them...
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    Stocking Poll, Round #2: I've Narrowed Down the Nanos.

    You could have a few pea puffers in there. I have a 10 gallon with peas and they are thriving for 2 years so far. Such interesting little guys.
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    I’m very curious…

    I keep 3 strains separate to get nice progeny. Keep males and females separate until females have spawned, then put my favorite breeder in with the best of the best females and start again. I currently have 3 strains I like. All the unwanted guppies go into a mutt tank and I will transfer...
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    I want an understocked 55gal. Suggestions?

    Thanks! It’s my favorite of all my tanks because the fish are so happy in there. The snails… not so much!! Lol
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    I want an understocked 55gal. Suggestions?

    They are always hiding and come out at feeding time.
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    I want an understocked 55gal. Suggestions?

    I have precisely what you were asking about- a heavily planted tank with pea puffers. I have 8 in a 20 gallon. They get along famously. They allhide most of the day, looking for snails- with the exception of the sentry who stays front and center almost all the time. Probably the least...
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    Website to buy plants

    I love Dustin’s fish tanks for plants. I usually buy the large mix that he picks out for me and save $$. Their plants are awesome and you get a ton plants for 1 price. Plus lots of info on plants. You can tell him any issues you’ve had with certain plants and he won’t send those.
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    Sick guppy

    Just found my favorite breeder looking bad. Can you identify this illness for me? I’d hate to lose her- she just had 29 fry last week. Will attach video.
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    Pea puffer sexing?

    My pea puffers are young, but I wonder if it’s possible to tell the sex yet. Any thoughts?
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    Pea puffer surfing

    I am happy to report they are back to normal behavior this evening
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    Pea puffer surfing

    No just put rocks back in.
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    Pea puffer surfing

    I have 2 pea puffers in a heavily planted 20 gallon tank. They are young, but I am pretty sure they are male-female. I ordered 6 in a batch online, but only 2 survived the trip a few months ago, hence my number. In the tank are multiple pond and ramshorn snails, 1 oto, and a mystery snail...
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    UK Black outs

    I had 12 days no power with hurricane Harvey in Houston. I have a small generator and powered my tanks with it. It sits outside and you run long power line inside to a few appliances. We did the refrigrator, the tanks and a couple of lamps on 1 Honda generator. When I bought it, was about...
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    Whats the stupidest/most useless fish related thing you have bought.

    Hopeless brine shrimp eggs online - never hatched.
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    About ready to give up this hobby...

    Hi FishyJoe, I hope you stay in the hobby. If you love looking at the fish and they give you that pleasure and satisfaction and even relaxation, you should try to stay. I don’t know what the issue with space is for you, but I have a 15 Gallon Aqueon high aquarium that I adore - something you...
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    Red tail shark

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  28. R

    Red tail shark

    I obtained some fish from a friend who was moving away.p to restart my 75 gallon tank that had been idle for 10 years. He had a lovely mated pair of angels, a 3 inch red tail shark and another feather fin squeaker catfish. I have A 75 gallon where they are housed now. Large angel is dominant...
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    Ich treatment didn’t work

    I used the source above in the thread. The spots are not smooth. They are raised and white like little cysts or eggs like structures. One has gone from a single cyst to a double cyst which could be the beginning of a cauliflower like structure. Looking at the micrographs, it is just enlarged...
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    I see. Hadn’t thought of that.
  31. R

    Ich treatment didn’t work

    Are you sure? are you sure? It looks like it to me comparing the photos I have seen and the description.
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    Ich treatment didn’t work

    Bingo. Pretty sure lymphocystis is it. Glad to hear that it is self limited and won’t kill the fish. Will keep him separate from the rest of the fish and hopefully he’ll recover fully. Anyone have experience with fish with this virus.
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    I am confused about duckweed. I see them selling it at the pet store, yet people complain about it. I have never used it. What are the issues with duckweed? Overgrowth?
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    Ich treatment didn’t work

    They relly look like white cysts to me upon enlarge ing the photo.
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    Ich treatment didn’t work

    Help! I need a diagnosis so I can help this little buddy. Good news is he’s so healthy appearing still.
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    Ich treatment didn’t work

    She was never in the main tank yet- waiting until sure she is safe.