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  1. J

    Asking For Help With Water Clarity

    Hello everyone, First off, I'm not sure if this is in the right area - I couldn't find a specific place for questions about water clarity, and while I am talking about a planted tank, I don't know if the planted-ness of it is in any way related. So I thought I'd put it here, by my apologies if...
  2. Tank - Cloudy.jpg

    Tank - Cloudy.jpg

  3. J

    Concerned About the Sex Ratio of Two Blue Rams

    No, the only people in the tank right now are two gouramis, four cardinal tetras, seven neon tetras, and the one blue ram. I think I may bring in one more gourami and then maybe a few more cardinals as well to balance things out, and that would probably bring me to capacity pretty quickly. I'm...
  4. J

    Concerned About the Sex Ratio of Two Blue Rams

    Hello Byron, Thank you very much for such a prompt reply - I really appreciate it. I should have clarified that the fish are now separated, so don't worry about that. Right now, I think the best course of action would be me returning the aggressive fish to the store and trying to nurse the...
  5. J

    Concerned About the Sex Ratio of Two Blue Rams

    Hello all, I've been keeping an aquarium for about a year now and so far, things have been going pretty well! But recently I splurged on a new tank setup and, after cycling was complete, decided to fill it with a bunch of neon tetras and a pair of blue rams. The local fish store (which has...
  6. Two Fish.png

    Two Fish.png
