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    Pregnant guppy grounded

    Update. Any ideas?
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    Pregnant guppy grounded

    Hi folks, This guppy has been obviously pregnant for some time, but hasn’t dropped any fry for several weeks. She’s been hiding in low flow places in the tank for a while, but is now grounded and struggling to lift off the tank floor/furniture. Two questions: - Should I disturb her by cleaning...
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    White guppy failing

    It sounds like whatever is going on in our tank isn’t life span related. I will post a separate thread about it. Thanks for everyone’s help.
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    White guppy failing

    Thanks, Colin. That is good to know.
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    White guppy failing

    Thanks, emeraldking, that’s good to know. She was hugely pregnant the whole time she was with us, and it certainly looked like it would strain her system. What is an average life span for a guppy?
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    White guppy failing

    Okay, thanks Colin.
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    White guppy failing

    Hi folks, our white guppy has had many offspring in the six months or so she’s been with us, but over the last week has started failing. She is thin and swimming crooked, seems caught by surface tension at the top of the tank, and has a ragged caudal fin. Any advice?
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    Something is off....

    Mine does too :). We are also big Moomintroll fans, so your ID photo brings me lots of joy.
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    New guppy in distress

    Final update: I’m happy to report that after a couple of weeks being a bottom fish, the little white guppy is back up in the water column, hanging out with the other guppies again. She seems to have recovered from her problem and is able to float again. Thanks for the help, everyone.
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    Fin rot bronze corys

    What a difference the filter additions made! The filter floss and sponge filter completely cleared up the tank. I added 1tbsp/20l salt, and the two cories have perked up a bit. The fungal fluff on the sicker one’s fin is a little smaller. No improvement in the fin rot, but it doesn’t look worse...
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    Fin rot bronze corys

    The two cories are amazingly still with us, but continue to decline. One now has almost no top fin, and his tail is also rotting away. He is also developing a secondary fungal infection on a pectoral fin. Are these symptoms sufficiently diagnostic to treat with medication? What can I do to save...
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    Ammonia spike!

    I did about a large water change and the fish (guppies, cories, and a BN pleco) are all alive and swimming this morning. Thanks, everyone.
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    Ammonia spike!

    37 gallon, stone arch and caves with some sad plants. I suction off a little sand every time I vacuum the tank, so I have a stash of clean sand from that. I took out one of the little caves b/c the cories tend to shovel algae pellets behind it while trying to eat them, and that’s where I found...
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    Ammonia spike!

    And on second look, it looks like the ammonia is closer to .5. That was the water from the bottom of the tank that I sucked right of that funky area.
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    Ammonia spike!

    I sucked up some of the offending sand and replaced it with fresh too.
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    Ammonia spike!

    Hey folks, I was doing a water change before I left town, and I accidentally disturbed the decorations more than I meant to, and found a bunch of gunk under it. I tested the water because it smells funky and in fact the ammonia is at one nitrate is it 10 I didn’t test nitrite. I have Seachem...
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    New guppy in distress

    Thank you, that’s very helpful. Our guppies and cories have also reproduced at 72; we only have one pleco b/c it’s only a 37gal tank. I appreciate your feedback.
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    New guppy in distress

    Emeraldking, what temperature would you suggest to best suit fancy guppies, bronze cory, and a BN pleco? Would they all be happy at a lower temperature? I’m fascinated by the range of opinions on this topic!
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    New guppy in distress

    That’s great to know, thank you! I am still learning about water hardness and the scales used for it. Maybe the stress of acclimation added to changing water hardness (that batch of fish was purchased 40m away in a different water service area) set something off. She’s still alive, still on the...
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    bristlenose pleco Question

    My new BN hung exclusively behind the heater in the bare quarantine tank; once in the main tank he settled in and started to get more adventurous. I actually moved him early b/c he seemed stressed.
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    New guppy in distress

    Thank you, that’s good to know.
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    New guppy in distress

    The Shimmies sounds like a good description of her behavior when stressed, but our water is quite hard at 180GH. My understanding is that they should be pretty happy in the hard water.
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    New guppy in distress

    Oh, good! I’m happy to hear the active one looks good. Fingers crossed for the sinking one.
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    New guppy in distress

    And this white and orange guppy is the tankmate who came in with the sick one. The BN came from the same store at the same time, but from a different tank.
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    New guppy in distress

    Here she is. The other guppy she came with looks full to bursting; I’m not sure is it’s just pregnancy or parasites. I’ll try to get a couple decent shots of that one and post them in a new post; their color is confusingly similar.
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    New guppy in distress

    Hmm. I used to keep it at 78, but when I asked what an ideal yelp for this species mix might be, and Byron suggested 75. I actually have no idea how I wound up at 72 from that. I’ll turn it up a few degrees; thanks! The white guppy has definitely lost floatation, and when she swims her spine is...
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    New guppy in distress

    Thanks for the feedback; I appreciate it. I do water match; I use a Thermapen and a mix of tap (56F at present) and boiling water to get within about a degree F of tank (73F). My dechlorinator is Seachem Prime. Does that system sound okay? All that happens in a five gallon bucket, which I then...