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  1. Crabman69

    Pleco experiment

    I also added some ghost shrimp because they are cheap
  2. 16618890135046220090573400493997.jpg


  3. Crabman69

    Pleco experiment

  4. Crabman69

    Pleco experiment

    Here's some pics of the tank sorry for the bad camera quality
  5. 16611959172402094910526814204294.jpg


  6. 16611959588478198863863251696744.jpg


  7. 16611960234206111403864961233671.jpg


  8. Crabman69

    Chubby Pleco

    The pleco might be chubby because it's a female I know for clown plecos it works that way.
  9. Crabman69

    Dealing with pest snails!

    Try assassin snails
  10. Crabman69

    Pleco experiment

    About 2 months ago I got a sick looking clown pleco at a pet store. I decided to try to nurse him back to health in my red claw crab tank. It was also an experiment about how aggressive red claw crabs are. About 2 months later the pleco and the crabs are doing fine no aggression between them.
  11. Crabman69

    Red clawed crab owner

    Red clawed crab owner
  12. Crabman69

    Not a tropical fish but a brackish crab

    Same thing happened to me the crab died later that week.
  13. Crabman69

    Red claw crab one white eye

    It may be a piece on leftover shell. I've had that but with the whole eye and It went away in a week.
  14. Crabman69

    Are bristlenose pleco compatible with red claw crabs?

    I'm wanting to get an alage eater for red claw crab tank.