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  1. Rosyannie

    Whats wrong with my shrimp and what can I do about it

    While on holiday a relative came in a fed my fish, on my return the tank was in a mess, I think she way overfed, despite going through everything with her. I did an immediate water change and the next day parameters were fine. I've now noticed one of my Amano shrimp has a stark white patch just...
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  4. Rosyannie

    Vote Now! - September 2022 Tank of the Month Contest (16 US Gal & Smaller)

    This is my Aquamanta Nano 35. Unsprisingly its a 35mm cube. It's been running since March 31st this year and is home to just 8 happy Rosy Tetras. As for plants I've gone through so many I'm not sure exactly what's in there now! Theres a couple of moss balls, some Java, more moss that's growing...
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  6. Rosyannie

    Best way to buy and feed Daphnia?

    I have 8 young Rosy Tetras and from everything I've read they'd enjoy some live food. Daphnia seems to be the main recommendation but I'm confused about buying ones that won't contain parasites, is it best to grow my own from that even possible? And how many would my 8 little...
  7. Rosyannie

    Alternative Nitrate Reduction Method$

    Thank you and your tanks are beautiful! I really wish I understood science better, I will admit to struggling with some of your explanation no matter how many times I re read it! What I'm taking from this is that in my small nano tank if I cleaned the roots and suspended a Devils Ivy at the...
  8. Rosyannie

    Nitrates gone up -just found out my tap water has high levels

    Thank you! I will give it a go, I was going to do 25% water change today , so 10 litres, but make 5 litres of that 'pure water' to see if it helps at all? Will try moss balls as well.
  9. Rosyannie

    Nitrates gone up -just found out my tap water has high levels

    Good morning, can I please get sone advice? Once my tank cycled 5 months ago I've never had a problem with Nitrate levels. Now on my test strips it's showing as 25, which is still within its 'safe' parameter but worrying. The Nitrite level is 0. On a whim I tested my tap water and its virtually...
  10. Rosyannie

    I feel like I've jumped down a rabbit hole!

    You can just see the height of the outlet -the circle on the left hand side of the tank in the brochure pic
  11. Rosyannie

    I feel like I've jumped down a rabbit hole!

    I did it as I was advised to at the shop, 5mm from the top which puts it at the same level as the outlet, I've attached a pic of the set up with the filters, is this wrong?
  12. Rosyannie

    I feel like I've jumped down a rabbit hole!

    Well that sucks! How did you get rid of it?
  13. Rosyannie

    I feel like I've jumped down a rabbit hole!

    Thank you! It's been running for 5 months, so I'd hoped it would of stopped by now and yes there is some hairy strands appearing but I'm hoping sorting the lighting out will quash that !!
  14. Rosyannie

    I feel like I've jumped down a rabbit hole!

    Thank you very much! I'm turning down the lights and only having them on fir 6 hours now. I will definitely get some more plants as I love the look of a planted tank, so thanks for the suggestions. I really like the idea of getting a couple of boys in the tank but I can't find anything online...
  15. Rosyannie

    Any ‘Aquamanta Nano 35’ owners out there?

    Thank you! The tank is actually 15 ft from the nearest window and gets no direct light at all. I feed a small pinch morning and evening, one of flake and the other one pellets. I did have a snail, a zebra nerite, who after a month proceeded to lay bright white eggs everywhere so it went back to...
  16. Rosyannie

    I feel like I've jumped down a rabbit hole!

    Hi Colin, thanks for the advice. My pump causes quite a bit of movement on the surface so wouldn't any surface plants all just bunch up over on side? The light is adjustable in intensity at the moment it's on full bright, but I can dim it? What plants would you suggest. I've tried a lot that...
  17. Rosyannie

    I feel like I've jumped down a rabbit hole!

    Hiya, my name is Anne and I'm new to this site and to fish keeping. The learning curve has been steep to say the least and with so many differences of opinion when it comes to advice I'm floundering a bit! I've got an Aquamanto nano 35 tank ( yes I now realise bigger is better for all sorts of...
  18. Rosyannie

    Any ‘Aquamanta Nano 35’ owners out there?

    I'm new to fish keeping and bought one of these about 5 months ago. I have 6 Rosie Tetras in it which are doing really well, its easy to maintain, but my biggest issue is brown algae, my tank is planted and I've tried adjusting light levels but nothing seems to work!