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    Shell dweller (multifaciatus) agression question

    Hello I recently lost my colony of shell dwellers after a power outage the cooled the tank temps for over 3 days. 1 shell dweller managed to survive who I assumed was female due to their size. I wanted to restore my colony again so I bought a breeding pair of multis from my lfs. Realizing there...
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    Shell Dweller Tank question

    I waited a couple weeks and increased feeding while doing water changes 1-2x a week, still no change which leads me to believe they are all females. You said that males generally don’t go into shells and just stay above them which I haven’t found to be the case for any of my Shellies who I see...
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    Shell Dweller Tank question

    Oh I feed them frozen foods around 2x a week generally frozen brine and daphnia, my lfs makes a general macro pellet for tropical fish that I feed in between these feedings. Ill definitely try to increase feedings and water changes for a little while. Would it be okay to add more shell...
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    Shell Dweller Tank question

    Hello, Ill definitely have my water tested for kh and gh sometime this week at my lfs as i dont have the test kits for those but using some test strips I measured it gh to be around; 200ppm GH and 100ppm KH. There arent any other fish besides the shell dwellers. Although theyre may be some pest...
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    Shell Dweller Tank question

    Hello every first time posting here, I have a question regarding a neolamprologus multifaciatus (multis) shell dweller tank I set up a little over a year ago. I bought a group of 5 multis unsexed from a LFS and put them in a 20 gallon long with 36 escargo shells i bought off amazon. I use...