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  1. R

    Ick? Bacterial infection?

    I did! Lol. You mentioned the discolor on the green barbs. Here are a few better pictures of them ( well I tried at least.) Do you think it could be columnaris? Or just weird coloring on those two? Or something else? Do I need to be concerned? I never thought I'd worry so much over fish😂
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  7. R

    Ick? Bacterial infection?

    Thank you! It's so nice to have some input on all this. I've been trying to research it all and that's so much conflicting info out there🙄. Just want to do the best thing for the fish. I'll check back next if things aren't better. Or if something else happens
  8. R

    Ick? Bacterial infection?

    I'll try and get measurements tomorrow. I can't find my measuring tape. I'm pretty sure it's a 36 gallon though. I do have a pretty substantial substrate because it's a dirtied tank, so I've been knocking off a few gallons in dosage. Here's a videos with everything off. You can see a a few...
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  21. R

    Ick? Bacterial infection?

    Good news is he's looking better today... So much so that I can't really single him out on video. I 'think' the spot is still there, but it's not as obvious. I'm including a link a video of the the whole bunch, excuse the tablet noise in the background and the slight glare. A few of the...
  22. R

    Ick? Bacterial infection?

    It's the same fish I posted the picture of, the regular tiger with the one spot. Tank is 36 gallons, treating with ich x
  23. R

    Ick? Bacterial infection?

    The normal Tiger is now swimming funny and definitely not eating. Any suggestions?
  24. R

    Ick? Bacterial infection?

    The green barb died a day after I got it, but I got all the barbs at the same time. I've been treating since Tuesday, so almost a week. I took the carbon out when I started treating. I noticed the spot on the normal Tiger yesterday.
  25. R

    Ick? Bacterial infection?

    So I lost a green tiger barb when I brought him home to what I thought was ick... No other fish had spots but I've been treating the tank with ick x. 2 days ago another tiger barb got a spot, but I'll not sure it's actually ick or something else entirely. Seems a little raised, but it's so...
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  32. R

    Question about water hardness

    Yea it's probably the added things in the gravel . One other question though. Since the tap water is so soft, should I add a bit of crushed coral to it? I'm thinking I'm just gonna move the bristlenose and get some tiger barbs for the big tank. Since the Gh is only 3, would it be better for it...
  33. R

    Another newbie, here to ask questions😂

    So my water harness is pretty soft. (3dkg or whatever total hardness) fun the tap. I was thinking of moving the bristlenose over abd leaving the other two fish in the 10 gallon The small fish tank has a higher hardness because of some shells in the gravel I'm guessing. What I really want is a...
  34. R

    Question about water hardness

    Yea I'm probably going to do that. I didn't realize I could until a few days ago ( fairly new to this hobby). Do I need to raise the hardness/ PH in the new tank to match the old one? Or just acclimate them? I know swordtails like harder water in general.
  35. R

    Question about water hardness

    Yes, dGH. The filters are tetra whisper quiet (one 20, one 30-60 I believe I'd have to look again) with carbon cartridges ( I plan to replace them eventually with media, but I don't want to crash my little tank) 10 gallon is the one with the fish, 36 gallon is empty ( I'm cycling it so I can...
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  38. R

    Question about water hardness

    Hi all, I have a mystery that I can't figure out with Google. My tap water is pretty soft, (3 general harness), as is a new tank I just filled. The weird part: I have a 10 gallon tank I took over a few weeks ago from a friend. The gh has been 8ish the eye entire time I've had it.. Water changes...
  39. R

    Another newbie, here to ask questions😂

    Hi everyone! I'm currently cycling a 36 gallon tank. I was gifted a 10 gallon that had a zebrafish and a bristlenose pleco. I then added a swordtail and they are all doing well for now. Yes, I'm alware the tank is probably overstocked ( should have done research before adding the...