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  1. B

    Female Kribensis is hiding.

    I have a male and female krib, they're an established pair and have previously bred (so i was told), when i first got them the male took over a stone cave and the female a terracotta plant pot. Then the female joined the male, they were active and out and about all the time, then they seemed to...
  2. B

    Anyone keep golden Julies? Totally lost with the information online.

    I have loads of rocks in already, although not as many as that. I have loads of river rocks that were used as decorations to hide the plant based a bit, so I'll make some more hides for them. I think I am going to have to move them on unfortunately, my tank is a large corner tank rather than a...
  3. B

    Anyone keep golden Julies? Totally lost with the information online.

    I'm lucky that there is several aquarium places near me that sell fish. I called them up to ask, one placehad no idea and I appreciated him being honest when he said he didn't know. The other places said opposite things to each other. Apparently kribs would be a good match. Also tetra of some...
  4. B

    Anyone keep golden Julies? Totally lost with the information online.

    I've read they're aggressive to their own species, I've also read they're peacefull with similar sized or smaller peacefull fish, also read they're peacefull with bigger fish except when they have eggs. There doesn't seem to be much at all about golden and every website contradicts the next. I'm...
  5. B

    Anyone keep golden Julies? Totally lost with the information online.

    I've got 3 golden julies they came together and have settled into their own little sections of the tank, 2 smaller ones at first were together but today one of the smaller is with the larger but it's going back and forward betweenthe 2. I've been researching them but there's just so much...