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  1. C

    Air Pump Stopped Working

    Ok, I can try opening it up tomorrow to check for any holes in the rubber. Thank you :)
  2. C

    Air Pump Stopped Working

    Hey y’all, my air pump isn’t putting any oxygen out through the air stone right now, and i’m a bit confused. I noticed it last night, and today I bought new tubing, a new check valve, and a new air stone, but after running it for maybe 30 seconds, I noticed some water was in the tubing around...
  3. C

    I’ve lost a few fish in the last two weeks.

    My gray cory passed away this morning. :(( And these aren’t the best photos, but i did notice my betta has a few marks on her. I’m not quite sure what the mark in the second pic is, but the first kinda looks like a fungal infection/wound. I didn’t notice that on any of the others.
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    I’ve lost a few fish in the last two weeks.

    Normally when I replace the filter pad, I run the old and the new ones together for a few weeks before throwing out the old one. I haven’t completely replaced the filter pad in around 2 1/2 months now. My ember tetras get omega one super color flaked food and brine shrimp, my betta has her...
  7. C

    I’ve lost a few fish in the last two weeks.

    Not that I know of, but i’ll double check. No, I haven’t noticed the betta getting aggressive with any of my other fish. Honestly she does a pretty good job of avoiding the corydoras entirely. Doesn’t seem to mind the embers whatsoever. And I’ve been using Seachem Prime as my water conditioner...
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    I’ve lost a few fish in the last two weeks.

    That’s what one of my friends told me. I just wish there was something i could do. And I really don’t like that they’re happening so close to one another. I did get my grey cory to eat a little bit of a pea i boiled and skinned. I’m gonna try to give him a little more before I go to bed tonight.
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    I’ve lost a few fish in the last two weeks.

    I try to do water changes every week, normally around 40%. I clean the sand every two weeks. Yes, I dechlorinate the water before putting it in my tank. I normally mix it up in a 5 gal bucket and let it sit for a few hours to get it to room temperature. Yes, I have buckets and hoses specifically...
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  12. C

    I’ve lost a few fish in the last two weeks.

    Hi guys. So I have a ten gallon fish tank, and I’ve had it running for about 2 years now. It had three corydoras, 5 ember tetras, and a female betta. But over the last few weeks, my fish have been dying off one by one. First, one of my embers passed, then my albino corydora who I’ve had since I...
  13. C

    Is it possible for pest snails to not reproduce?

    I know, it’s ridiculous! I was expecting babies by now, it’s been at least 4 weeks.
  14. C

    Is it possible for pest snails to not reproduce?

    I can go get my water tested later, so I’ll update when I know about the water. In regards to the snails dying, the only major thing I did was change from gravel substrate to sand. They were completely gone for about 3 months, then this one popped up about 4 weeks ago. I’m honestly not sure...
  15. C

    Is it possible for pest snails to not reproduce?

    Honestly, I’m just confused. I don’t even know where she came from, but it’s been at least 4 weeks now and there are no babies in the tank yet. And as for having them all die out, I really wish I know what happened. I had been trying to get rid of them since I got my tank set up.
  16. C

    Is it possible for pest snails to not reproduce?

    I am feeding differently than I was when the infestation was really bad, so maybe that’s it. Honestly though, I’m not even sure where she came from. The tank had been snail free for 3 months, and I hadn’t added anything new since I changed from pebbles to sand. She literally just appeared out of...
  17. C

    Is it possible for pest snails to not reproduce?

    Hi there! I have a planted tank, and previously i had a infestation of pest snails. They seemed to die off awhile ago, when I changed substrates, but about a month ago, I noticed that one small snail was going along one of my plants. I’ve noticed she’s laid multiple groups of eggs, but none of...
  18. C

    Corydora covered in red splotches

    I’m definitely planning on adding some more Corys and probably one or two more ember tetras once the new tank’s ready. And i’m meeting up with my friend tomorrow, so i’ll let him know about the issue with Stresscoat then. My corys really do seem to prefer the sand! For the first few days after...
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    Corydora covered in red splotches

    Update: She’s looking a lot better today! I’m going to do a few water changes over the next few days to help limit the effects of the stresscoat, and i’ll dose the water with some aquarium salt to help with the healing process. Thank y’all so much for all of your help!
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  22. C

    Corydora covered in red splotches

    I started using it when i switched out my substrate a little bit ago. A friend recommended that I use it for a little bit after for the slime coat it puts on the fish. I plan on only using prime in the future.
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    Corydora covered in red splotches

    I’ve had her for a little over a year. I added the large plant in the corner a little under two ago, and those dark spot are slate pieces partially buried under sand. I have them set up like little stepping stones. I have some aquarium salt downstairs, so i’ll get that set up tomorrow morning...
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    Corydora covered in red splotches

    I just finished cleaning a little bit ago, so it’s a little cloudy, but that’s my tank. I don’t have a test kit, but I can get the water tested tomorrow. The only chemicals I add at the moment are Seachem Prime, Stress coat, and Seachem Flourish (Excel, and Iron) for my remaining live plants...
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  26. C

    Corydora covered in red splotches

    The only fish I have that I think might’ve attacked her, would be my female betta. I haven’t noticed any signs of aggression from her, or her picking on any of my other fish, but if she attacked my cory, I’ll move her to a tank by herself.
  27. C

    Corydora covered in red splotches

    Right now I have a ten gallon tank (I’m moving them to a 20 soon, but the tank is still cycling), 3 corys, 5 ember tetras, and a female betta fish. Normally I do water changes once a week, around 30-40%, but I fell a bit behind because I’m graduating next week and was trying to get all the prep...
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    Corydora covered in red splotches

    Hi, I was in the middle of cleaning my tank and one of my cory’s swam up and i noticed that her sides covered in red marks. I thought one of my other fish had attacked her at first, but i don’t think it’s blood. I was trying to figure out what exactly it is and I read a little about red splotch...
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