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  1. R

    Electric blue acras and Oscar free

    All fish have gone.
  2. R

    Electric blue acras and Oscar free

    Hi all Fish are still available if anybody is interested. Free to good home.
  3. R

    Electric blue acras and Oscar free

    Hi Colin Thank you very much for the link, I'll certainly consider that in a week or so if no forum members aren't interested. I'd rather a forum member has them as it'll be less stressful on the fish, but if nobody replies I'll send them a pm. Thank you very much for the information. Regards Andy
  4. R

    Electric blue acras and Oscar free

    Hi all I have 20 ish Electric blue acras and a 9 inch Oscar I need to rehome, free to good home. all must go together because I need to break there tank down unfortunately. I'm in the Flintshire area near Chester.