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  1. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    I've learned so much today, thank you!
  2. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    Oh haha I say yuck because it tastes like pool water practically. I grew up on pure well water and am sensitive to the chemicals in the city water. It leaves a crust on everything(ew). I know conditioners help remove that I just wasn't sure how much. Lately I've been buying purified water for my...
  3. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    Okay! Thank you very much! I will make sure to do better from now on.
  4. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    Thank you for helping me understand. I have TopFin RF-L cartridges. The instructions on the box said once a month but what you say makes more sense.
  5. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    Thank you! I do leave good bacteria in since I don't change all the water. Is it not enough though? And I do need the carbon because I live in an apartment in a city with yucky city water. Will the mucous go away on its own then with proper water regulation? I am very grateful for the reply.
  6. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    The filter is a disposable one, not sure what else fits with the tank. Yes the tank is cycled. I do regular water changes to keep ammonia down but that's not true? Getting rid of the stuff that makes the ammonia and nitrites in the first place. It's only a 5 gallon it needs regular water changes...
  7. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    Thank you.
  8. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    Everything is normal but ammonia is up only a little due to a late water change because I was sick recently. Normally the water get's changed every two weeks. It's a five gallon and I do two the two and a half gallons per change as well as a new filter every month. When the mark first appeared...
  9. SAJin

    Hello o/

    Hi I'm Jin, I'm a relatively new to this hobby. I'm a 24yr old Minnesota native who grew up in the farm life, and love animals. I had a gold fish from the state fair when I was a child but honestly I can't remember much I was so young. My current fish is Berry, a male betta. I got him October...
  10. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    This grey mark showed up on my betta months ago and I thought he had burned himself on the heater since he figured out how to rest on top of the suction cup, but now I think it's changed shape and I'm concerned. I want to check with more experienced people before putting in treatment for it...
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