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    Water changes causing fish deaths

    I use RO water with equilibrium in my tank. I suffered through this whole PH issue on my own. I personally believe that measuring PH in low alkalinity water/zero alkalinity water to be futile. Without buffering, the PH of the water can swing wildly from low to high with the blowing of the...
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    Cyano choices

    i have set up my old tank a 25 gallon cube, 18" x 3. I cleaned it out, replaced the substrate with sand, and put what surviving plants I had remaining back into the tank. I once again have a cyano problem in this tank. I've read that the basic problem is light, nutrients and flow. My tank...
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    Yes, ran water into the bucket, stirred it up, then dumped the dirty water. Repeated that for like 30 minutes.
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    Hi all, I've done many tanks with gravel in the old days and aquasoil in more recent times, but never did sand before. So I went out and bought some CaribSea sand, put it in a bucket. Rinsed it for like 30 minutes with running water then dumped it in a 25 gallon cube. Filled it with water...
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    Cyano choices

    Thanks, I've used that stuff before and still have some packets left. I will try it out and see how well it works on this bigger mess. Drew
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    Cyano choices

    Hi, I have a 25 gallon that I had to abandon for 3 months. I took all the fish back to the fish store, but left the plants. A friend came over and filled the tank weekly for evaporation purposes, but nothing else for maintenance. When I arrived last weekend, many of the plants were still...
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    Fish jumping

    I can't say absolutely, but it is really unlikely as the tank didn't move too far. There is nothing around the tank or below (in the basement) that is mechanical. As there had not been any jumpers for quite some time, and now there have been a few, I was surprised. Which led to my post...
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    Fish jumping

    Hello all, I've had a 25 gallon cube set up for about 2 years now. Mostly just neon tetras in it. Well planted, decently scaped, plenty of places for the neons to hide or keep shaded from the light. Things have been pretty stable for quite a while and I had about 15 neons in there. Over the...
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    New to Marine

    Thanks for replying. For #1, I feel comfortable doing plumbing. I'm pretty handy with that stuff, have done plumbing on remodel's before, but never for a fish tank. I'd hate to mess something up and have a noisy system, or use the wrong type of connector, but I suppose there is enough...
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    New to Marine

    Hello all, I am considering setting up a reef tank in my home. I have had tropical fish sporadically for most of my life, and the marine experience would be totally new to me. I watch a lot of videos, and have watched a bunch of the BRSTV infomercials for better or for worse. Two questions...
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    Integrating Neon Tetras

    I see the same behavior, much more aggressive in the morning, much more communal in the evenings.
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    Integrating Neon Tetras

    So things appear to be a little better today. There isn't as much chasing, and the group appears to stay together for the most part.
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    Integrating Neon Tetras

    Well I put them together this morning ... the good news was the ten new fish seemed to stay in the front of the tank, seemed a little unphased by the process. About an hour later I looked and there was a lot of aggression. Lots of darting at one another. Maybe some male/female interaction...
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    Integrating Neon Tetras

    Hi, I have a 25 gallon tank with 5 neon tetras. I purchased another 10 and put them in a quarantine tank for about a month now. I am ready to integrate them together and was wondering if there is anything I should be careful about. I know all critters have their own personalities but is...
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    CO2 and Ph

    I almost feel like I am writing a blog here, but after almost 2 weeks, the ph of my water has remained about 8.9-9.0 which is above the EPA guideline (6.5-8.5). My local water authority has actually tried to help and has had people out testing water in my area. Today someone came by and we...
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    CO2 and Ph

    Well the guy from the county came by, took a sample back to the office and said the PH was 8.8. The county is blaming the city .. who they get some of their water from. The city doesn't answer their phone. Personally I wonder if our county signed an agreement to purchase X gallons of water...
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    CO2 and Ph

    CO2 in your house is always going to be higher than outside as well. Depending on how well your house is sealed, and lots of other things, you can have twice the CO2 measurement or more inside as outside. I think you have about 410 ppm outside. I have seen between 500-750 in my house. I...
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    CO2 and Ph

    I mean it makes sense to me that with a pretty constant TDS they are not adding things, unless they are adding more of one and less of another to balance out the value. Overall my PH is starting high and going lower if I let is sit in a bucket for a few days, so it isn't CO2 exiting the water...
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    CO2 and Ph

    It sounds almost crazy, but I tested my water this morning and it has a PH of 8.85 ... and I thought going from 7.15 to 8 was bad. I bought a Hannah PH meter, and calibrated it yesterday as a backup to my Apex PH meter. I also noticed my water pressure seems to be down lately as well. I...
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    CO2 and Ph

    Yesterday I did a filter change and 25% water change on my 10 gallon quarantine tank. I was alarmed when I saw that my PH had risen from the low 7's to 8. I checked the PH on my tap water that had been sitting in a bucket for 2 days and it was 8.04. Checking the TDS was 55. It is still on...
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    Keeping the low profile in an aquascaping tank.

    I guess freshwater tank sumps aren't that popular.
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    Keeping the low profile in an aquascaping tank.

    Thanks for the replies. A lot of what i question is just from what I see. If you shop online for tanks .. almost always, the "marine" tanks have precolored back glass that is black and pre-drilled. Tanks that are listed for aquascaping are clear all the way around. IT just makes me think ...
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    Keeping the low profile in an aquascaping tank.

    Hi, I am considering getting a "larger" tank to aquascape with. Probably around 80 gallons (compared to the 25 gallon I have now). Probably a rimless tank. But with that being said, what do people like to do to hide the components and plumbing. I am interested in using a sump, but that...
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    Vote Now! - September 2022 Pet of the Month Contest (no fish)

    Nayla, 10 years old. Tonkinese. And her as a kitten
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    Neon Tetras

    I have a 25 gallon. Soft water, low kh around 1 dkh, and low GH. TDS is around 60 out of the tap. I currently have 5 out of the first batch of 10 that I bought probably 9 months ago. Probably saw the first 5 die in the first week or two of having them. Only 2 ottos in the tank with them and...
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    Neon Tetras

    Hi, I've been looking to add a half dozen or so Neon Tetras to my main tank for over a month now. The problem is, my LFS doesn't have any. I live in central-east US and the guys at the store continue to order them, but they never come in. One guy I spoke to said there is really only one main...
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    Problem with Neon Tetra?

    I'm not an expert but localized loss of color can be a sign of neon tetra disease.
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    After returning to the hobby I set up a single tank 25 gal cube, and used a lot of live plants and Co2. Early on, within the first month or two, I had bio-film on the water surface, but after adding some fish and with the tank maturing it didn't last very long. Maybe a week or two max. I am...
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    CO2 and Ph

    It has been over a month since I set up my quarantine tank. It is a 10 gallon with aquasoil a few dragon stones and some simple, easy to grow plants. The PH continues to be in the 5.7-5.8 range, despite a daily 50% water change with water that is in the 7.0-7.3 range. I think that because I...
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    Quick question, does anyone know if aquarium plant fertilizers (I'm using Seachem micro and macros) affect the PH of the tank?
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    CO2 and Ph

    Well, I attached some apex plots to this post. Yesterday shortly after putting tap water in the bucket, I put the ph probe in and the ph was 8.44. I put the probe back in my 10 gallon quarantine tank and went about my day. At night before I went to sleep I put the probe back in the bucket for...
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    CO2 and Ph

    Well it has been a while since I posted. After making some adjustments, I have my tank in what I believe is a good state. I have upped my water changes to 20-25% every 3 days, and in general my PH has settled in the low 7's. My tap water for the longest time has come out on the softer side...