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    Clown staying in same place, heavier breathing

    I’ve had a clown since April and have had no real problems yet. This is my first marine fish so I’m still pretty inexperienced. This weekend, I was out of town so I had a friend feed him for a couple of days. Sometime while I was gone, the power went out causing the auto timer for my lights to...
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    Tap water for winter?

    Like many, I use ro water for my tank which is a 10g with only a clownfish in it as of right now. Where I live, it gets pretty cold in the winter and I’m concerned that there will be issues with my pipes if I use my RO system. I know that using tap water normally isn’t the best idea for a...
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    Help with decision in first coral addition

    Hi all, I started my first 10g nano tank in January and added a true percula clownfish in April. I have now gotten the hang of owning a fish and my parameters are stable, so I’ve been looking into purchasing a coral. Mostly due to availability, the two front runners in my search are either a...
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    Coral ID

    Right now I have a 10g nano with a clownfish. I’ve been interested in adding a small non-self propagating coral to learn more about what it’s like to keep a nano reef. Today at the store I stumbled across this coral with I found beautiful but unfortunately it was unlabeled. Can anybody tell me...
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    New clown seems lethargic

    He seems to be eating just fine. I’m planning on re-adding live rock soon and in the meantime I’m limiting how much he’s exposed to that bright light. Glad he’s doing better and thanks so much for all the help!
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    New clown seems lethargic

    Temp is 78. Params are good. Came home today and he’s got his color back. Read some threads and it seems like a lot of fish lose some color when they sleep. He’s still active! Yesterday he wasn’t doing much but today he’s all over the place
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    New clown seems lethargic

    Okay this seriously does not seem normal. He was swimming around like crazy last night and still pretty active right now. This morning I woke up and he’s so much paler than yesterday! I’m so worried about him! What could be happening?!
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    Is it a bristleworm or fireworm???

    Okay these things are so creepy but I think it’s a bristleworm…right? Not a fireworm? Need to confirm bc it’s lurking on my clowns anemone
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    New clown seems lethargic

    I’ve had the lights off for a couple hours and he still seems to be laying like this…
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    New clown seems lethargic

    He seemed to be breathing a bit heavily. I watched some videos of other clowns breathing heavily and he isn’t as fast as those. I just don’t know if I’m overreacting or not
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    New clown seems lethargic

    I know bristleworms can be helpful but I never got a good look at it and was scared it was a fireworm instead
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    New clown seems lethargic

    Thanks for the help! One more thing—donya mentioned that it’s normal to hide somewhere but not normal for it to just be laying there. Mine is kinda laying there. Occasionally gets up, swims around a bit in his area, then goes back. Although while he’s laying down, his fins are still moving a...
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    New clown seems lethargic

    I had live rock but found a bristleworm that I couldn’t be sure if it was a fireworm or not so I had a midlife crisis and took it out😓
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    New clown seems lethargic

    It is a 10g just a weird shape
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    New clown seems lethargic

    I’m feeding him flakes at the moment but looking into other things like mysis. Suggestions? Tank is a 10g. Tested for ammonia earlier and 0. Nitrate around 15ppm. Not home right now so don’t have a nitrite reading
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    New clown seems lethargic

    He’s pretty much just laying there. Occasionally gets up, swims a bit in his area, then goes back
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    New clown seems lethargic

    Yes salinity is just fine. I added him Saturday afternoon. Cycled since February. Here is a pic of the whole tank. You can see him in the anemone just kinda laying there which he’s done a lot. Sometimes he’ll get up and swim a tiny bit but always goes back to the anemone. Breathing seems kinda...
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    New clown seems lethargic

    I got a clownfish on Saturday and he has mostly just hung around one area of the tank. Often I will find him just sitting in his anemone like this. Is this bad? Is he just getting used to the new tank? Or is there another issue? Also, when I feed him, he’ll swim around and it eat but not swim...
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    Does new clown have parasite??

    Today I finally got my first fish in my 10g (true percula clown) from LFS. Not long after I brought him home, I noticed some stringy white poop hanging from him. After some quick research, I found that this could be a parasite. Also, his face is slightly pale (still orange but not quite as...
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    Possible bristleworm emergency?!!

    I just got a trochus snail a few days ago. He seems to be doing well but while watching him in the tank tonight, I noticed a terrifying worm-looking thing peek its head out from under the rock. After a quick Google search, I’ve discovered that it’s most likely a bristleworm. I’ve seen some...
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    Food for trochus snail

    Today I got a trochus snail which is my first addition to a newly cycled 10g. I know they feed mostly on algae and since the tank is new, it doesn’t have much yet. In the image below you can vaguely see a path of where he’s moved (I’m assuming he ate the film there). Will this be enough food for...
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    Cycling readings

    Right now I’m cycling my first 10g saltwater tank. I’m about a week into the cycle right now. I’ve been testing the water every other day and today the readings seem a bit strange. Ammonia is zero and nitrite/trate seems pretty high. I wasn’t sure exactly how high so I attached an image...
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    Lack of invert diversity at LFS!

    Right now I’m working on setting up my first saltwater 10g nano. I wanted to put some inverts in but I had a few questions first. 1.) what kind??? My LFS has turbo snails but I don’t think much else. I live in a small area with few other pet shops but I could try to find something else if the...
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    Dry rock in filter?

    I do not have a sump. It’s a 10g and I heard it was not crucial for a tank that small. Do you think it’s worth it to add dry rock in the filter to start the process of becoming live? Or should I just save it for something else?
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    Dry rock in filter?

    I have around 3lbs of caribsea base rock left after setting up my tank. I’ve heard that it’s beneficial to put crushed live rock in the filter. Would it be helpful to do this with dry rock as well? Also, can someone upload a picture so I can know what it looks like/how it fits in a filter?
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    General cycling questions from a beginner

    Hi there. I’m a new aquarist who is cycling her first saltwater 10g nano tank. I originally cycled it throughout the month of January, and purchased a sweet baby clownfish mid-February which seemed fine until it died sometime overnight. I was very confused as to why this happened and received a...
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