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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. BkkprGal

    Turbo snail hanging from shell?

    Sorry to hear that.
  2. BkkprGal

    Zebra Nerite questions

    Good to know. I feel like napping after a good meal too. There's definitely more algae on the glass because I've intentionally not been cleaning it. This open area of bottom glass is where the corys eat, so I drop shrimp pellets and algae wafers down there. There's usually some food dust...
  3. BkkprGal

    Zebra Nerite questions

    Thanks for confirming that I just need to relax lol. Yeah, I've read plenty about the stench. I guess that's one benefit of not having a sense of smell. That happened to me before it was covid-chic 😉
  4. BkkprGal

    Zebra Nerite questions

    Thank you for this @Slaphppy7 That's a relief! I needed to pick a pronoun, so it became a SHE. I was reminded this evening that we had named it Gary (SpongeBob's snail, we also have a dog named Patrick).
  5. BkkprGal

    Zebra Nerite questions

    Hey everyone! I decided to add one snail to my tank 4 days ago and I was pretty confident that I'd done enough research beforehand. But, I realize now that while there are plenty of website telling you about required water parameters, feeding, breeding, troubleshooting - none (that I read)...
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  7. BkkprGal

    Turbo snail hanging from shell?

    @Stacyvamp How's your snail doing? It's been almost a month, so I hope he's thriving.
  8. BkkprGal

    Quarantine tank - filter bacteria

    Thanks for the feedback. I guess I'll take the little tank to my office and put a pretty beta in there. I'll get something bigger for my quarantine.
  9. BkkprGal

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Of course it's vegan if it has a vegan label. But it's just the fact that naturally wine is not vegan which kind of blows my mind. Who'da thunk?
  10. BkkprGal

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    I think the ratio of egg vs available opening is quite different between those two examples o_O
  11. BkkprGal

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Just saw this: The water anole lizard actually creates its own source of air, like a scuba tank, so he can breathe under water for up to 15 minutes! Video by Dr Lindsey Swierk @lindseyswierk from @underwater
  12. BkkprGal

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    No. There are multiple processes for multiple reasons that use animal products - mostly egg whites.
  13. BkkprGal

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Wine is not vegan
  14. BkkprGal

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Because hummingbirds have such fast metabolisms, they go into a state of hibernation every night so they don't starve to death while they sleep.
  15. BkkprGal

    Quarantine tank - filter bacteria

    The tank has been set up since February, but I had a handful of issues in the beginning. It's been healthy and stable for about two months now. I'm not in a rush, but my goal is to get a few more fish. I only have two danios and three mini albino corys right now. I know the danios need some...
  16. BkkprGal

    Quarantine tank - filter bacteria

    Good afternoon, In preparation for setting up a quarantine tank for new fish, I put the QTs filter cartridge inside my existing tank's filter. How long should I leave it in there to ensure that it's populated with enough bacteria to support the temp tank (1.5gal)? Thank you!
  17. BkkprGal

    Water Testing with Plants

    Thank you @StevenF for explaining the zinc sulfate to zinc carbonate reaction. I get it! And I understand not recommending plants. I know trial and error is how we learn, but I appreciate your information to help me be on a better track for less errors. Of the 14 minerals that plants need to...
  18. BkkprGal

    Water Testing with Plants

    @StevenF That you very much for the Chemistry Lesson! :book: There's so much to learn and watch out for. I'm trying to absorb it all. Why do you recommend stemmed plants? What makes them different in a way that would benefit my set-up? Any particular plant suggestions? I'm a little...
  19. BkkprGal

    Water Testing with Plants

    Ok, @itiwhetu - I'll get some more substrate. Thanks. Thank you for this breakdown @Colin_T . That was helpful. I knew the water was good for drinking, but wasn't sure in relation to the aquarium. I have a KH test kit - the kind where you count how many drops you add to the tube until it...
  20. BkkprGal

    Water Testing with Plants

    Good morning, I am still trying to "season" my new 10gal tank and I've finally had about a month of no issues. I only have a little bit of Sagittaria in there now, but in a few months I'd like to add a couple more plants. I'm currently using Seachem Flourish. I read that Iron levels...
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  22. 3-22-22 NGA Well Water Test.png

    3-22-22 NGA Well Water Test.png

  23. BkkprGal

    What is this on my plants?

    It looks like little white stubble hairs. There's alot alot of "stuff" floating around in the water - I wouldn't say the water is cloudy and I want to say they're like little filaments, but not necessarily of any particular length or size. I think it's just the same algae just floating around...
  24. BkkprGal

    What is this on my plants?

    I really appreciate your insights @Byron The salt treatment was for a fugus infection. I checked parameters yesterday and they are the same as they always are: Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 20pm pH - 7.8 Temp - 77° I'm mad at myself for not checking here for other responses first (I didn't...
  25. BkkprGal

    What is this on my plants?

    Well crap, I just looked at the tank again this morning and I see that same stuff on the tank walls also. Dang it. I guess I need to completely strip the tank, scrub and put back together.
  26. BkkprGal

    What is this on my plants?

    I just finished a 2 week salt treatment on 5/02 Monday and started 20% water changes every day. These Saggs have started turning brown just in the last few days, it's happened very fast. I do add Seachem Flourish, not much, and that did help when I first got the plant. But anyhow - is this...
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  29. BkkprGal

    Ich heat-treatment questions

    Update: Today is Sat 4/23. I started salt treatment on Tues 4/19 and the guy with fungus passed yesterday Fri 4/22. Today there are spots on two of the seven fish. One has two spots - she's in the first three attached pictures. The second fish has just one spot on his side - third...
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  34. BkkprGal

    Ich heat-treatment questions

    Update: The lil guy was found stuck to the filter last night :rip: I was going to share a close-up pic of him hoping it would give us more info, but he had been stuck all day so there was not discernable fungus/injuries to see. I spent over 30 minutes last night just staring at the rest of...
  35. BkkprGal

    Ich heat-treatment questions

    Good morning, I added aquarium salt last night and marked the calendar. I'll try to update when the 2 weeks are up. I noticed, when reviewing other posts, that few people give updates after getting advice. That makes it really hard to know whether the diagnosis was correct. Two final...
  36. BkkprGal

    Ich heat-treatment questions

    I've already turned the heater down and will increment it back to where it was. I'll start salt treatment when I get home. There are no big fish in there. One danio chases the littler ones when they feed but I've never seen her nip at anyone. Thus her name: Cruella If you zoom into the...
  37. BkkprGal

    Ich heat-treatment questions

    In person, it does look like sprinkled salt and in the video you can see the specks briefly at 18 & 20 seconds. The specks were more prevalent last night, but this morning the white patch is more prevalent.
  38. BkkprGal

    Ich heat-treatment questions

    I appreciate your input @GaryE When any fish looks ill, is it best to remove/isolate until you come up with a "semi-educate guess"? I'm assuming YES, but my assumptions have been wrong lately lol. This was an interesting read...
  39. BkkprGal

    Ich heat-treatment questions

    I do too and I'm agreeing with you more this morning after getting this closer view. I'll wait for more feedback and keep him segregated until I get a consensus.
  40. BkkprGal

    Ich heat-treatment questions

    Thank you @DoubleDutch And @Colin_T Thanks again for your help and for answering my questions specifically. I assumed that the purpose of scraping the slime off the walls was to remove it from the tank, that's why I thought it needed to be drained. So, is the purpose to expose more of it to...