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  1. I

    Water change and heater cool down

    No time needed heater is never hot to touch mate i turn my off and start with maintenace immediatly no waiting at all. Turn or pump also if u have internal its not recomeded to run it with no water.
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    Vote Now! - September 2022 Tank of the Month Contest (16 US Gal & Smaller)

    This is my dirted tank setup 4 months old. 15 gallons 60 liters 15cm deep subtrate, 12 cm garden soil capped with 3 cm of gravel. 40% water change every 10 days with 10mll of easylife profito fertilizer and offcourse seachem prime. 15w led light and 600l per hour internal filter cleaned every 10...
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    Type of betta?

    Well after all the talks here is update all is well didnt lose any fish so far plants and fish growing nicely. Shrimp colony is huge now to the point i started selling them as there is over 100 at any given time. Betta gets along with evryone still playing sherif if there is bullying among...
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    Type of betta?

    Well tnx for sayig this mate you vere right its confirmed, went to the store again to speak to owner this time instead of worker and he confirmed it was silver marble molly male and yelow moly female. He agreed to take them back so i excanged them for 2 female platys so now i have good ratio 2...
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    Type of betta?

    Well just went to store show them pics of all fish i bought and they said they are mollys apperently dalmatian molly and yellow molly i have one male and one female an they refused to take them back as they are afraid since they been with me for few days now that they may introduce some diesease...
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    is this ludvigia repens?

    Tnx and what do you think it might straighten or should i just cut it at bend and replant tips? Would like it to straighten before j cut it as i only have ,3 stems so dont wanna stress it need it to survive.
  9. I

    Type of betta?

    Don't think there are Molly's at least i didn't by any unless they throw them in by mistake. What color might be the one you think is molly? Not being defensive at all just doing what i can with what i have. I know its overstocked that's why i do weekly water changes try to have many plants to...
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    Type of betta?

    Ah you gonna make me go get water kit now even doe i said i wont bother i just spent 30min lokeing if i have somwhere writen in post or if i have taken pic of test and cant find it anywhere. All i remeber ph was 7.2 and was droping cause of mangrowe wood leaching tannins so was told to add...
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    Type of betta?

    If they were caught in wild i would think twice but as thing stands now no need to worry.
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    Type of betta?

    All fish is from domestic breeding for years now they are used to water parameters since they been breed in them for generations. There is no way i can mimic to extend they native habitat. If every keeper here does the same and its good why would i try anything different. Whom ever i talked here...
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    Type of betta?

    I know what they are all i know is that ph is 7.2 other i measured twice and they were good. Heavy planted, good filtration , weekly 40 procent water change and im not worried. As long as shrimps are breading im not concered as our tap water is good. Cant see in pic there is 15 more bacopas...
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  15. I

    Type of betta?

    Cant edit on phone but i should have place for them when they het bigger for sure.
  16. I

    Type of betta?

    Started in january with hobby made my self 7 galon tank, in april i got 15 by july i should get biger one again. And i have 5 g in cycle now just in case things go wrong with betta.Plan is to have tank in every room, daugther has 7g now , i have 15 and living room is planed for ,3 feet long...
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    Is this ember tetra?

    All the stores get young good lokeing girls to work and they have no idea what they selling she has a list but doenst know in what tank that fish is so no help there. And owner dont care he wont even answer his phone when workers call him he likes money that store brings him and he dont care.
  18. I

    Is this ember tetra?

    Yeah they have no clue mate they gave me 3 difrrent names that it might be but nothing certain.
  19. I

    Type of betta?

    Well he is lawman in tank my male platy been harassing one female for few hours now trying to mate her. Eventualy she got close to Seamus ( betta name reference to Family Guy) and he started chaseing male platy away. Now she hangs with betta and no one is harassing her. Didnt expect this...
  20. I

    Is this ember tetra?

    Cant remeber what tetra this is as store worker gave me few names wasnt sure exactly. He said they dont grow more then this that they had them in tank for 3 months now and no growth happened. I been lookeing online and from what ive seen might be ember or some other type?
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    Grass plants

    I use this method for any plant that keeps floathing up and wont hold in substrate. Take peace of tootpick or plastic straw place it just under the plant in roots and wrap fishing line or green thread up betwen leaves and under straw to tie it of. Then when u plant stick tootpick undergravel or...
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    is this ludvigia repens?

    i was told its ludvigia repens or is it osme similar plant? Also they kept it floating so each stem is grown at 90% angle after planting them they are bend down at angle if i straighten them they just lean over again. Will they straigten in time and grow vertical toward light or should i trim at...
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  25. I

    Type of betta?

    Tank size is 15g but with deep dirted substrate and rocks wood only holds 11g of water. Parameters i forgot dont have kit right now i know it was al within range when measured month aggo i dont keep up with it at all just do 40% water change weekly and dose declhorinator, fertilizer and bit of...
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    Shrimp and aquascape tank

    Agree with Willis post u need fast growing plants for sure to outcompete algae.
  27. I

    Shrimp and aquascape tank

    As long as water has enough nutrients and u provide some light to them they will grow. But need to know that you usually wont see any grow in first 2 weeks plant need to get used to new water parameters. I would just tie them to wood or rocks or use super glue and glue them. Regarding number of...
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    Shrimp and aquascape tank

    Well consider rhizome to be like trunk of tree you would not want to barry trunk in ground when planting. Rhizome is heart of plant needs light water movement exc if u barrie it it will go dark and rot very fast. I have anubias that has no leaves just rhizome and it grovs leaves but i have them...
  30. I

    Type of betta?

    Well he si doing all right so far chilling and hunting shrimps im thinking fact that he has only one eye migh be why he is chilled maybe he just deosnt see other fish as threat with one eye , just guessing have no clue how fish see with one eye. He was missing one when i got him it can be seen...
  31. I

    Shrimp and aquascape tank

    When placin anubias in substrate make sure to keep rhizome over the sand dont barry it if you do its gona die, Only roots go in substrate hard part where leaves come of you leave above it.
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    Anubias-01 (1).jpg

  33. I

    Type of betta?

    Yeah i have 5g thats cycling righ now so i keep eye on him if he gets agressive he gets new home, for now i keep him in community as he seems chill got few caves under rocks and he is chilling in them hunting shrimp fry. I was testing to se how he behaves with mirror and he run away and hide in...
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    lighting schedule, if i fade can i go longer?

    I use led light and o had it on for 9h from 12 to 9 had algae problem and slow plant grow. Now i used plastic self-adhesive foil for glass to dim the light on 60% maybe and have them on for 12h no algae and plants grow way faster. Light in tank is much dimmer and always the same no regulating it...
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    Type of betta?

    I know that but when i get to store to buy fish today ( planned to get gyppys) they had none but that had this beta in comunnity tank with over 100 platyys and ksifos. Was told he is chill and i lokked none of the other fish had tail nipped or any damage and he was chill so i got him and some...
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    Type of betta?

    So i started community betta tank today just added fish few hours aggo and i wonder what typew of betta is this?
  37. I

    Rimless tank lid question?

    Must have missread what i wrote mate i finished drilling 6 holes and was gonna washup glass from glass dust and it slide down and broke ( had it standing up against the wall and shower head had to much pressure so it moved and fall down) i didnt break it while drilling holes.
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    Fish for Eating Detritus Worms in RCS Tank?

    I had lots of them in my cube planted tank with rcs and after i added platty and tetras never seen them again. And i have seen platty eating them.
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    Rimless tank lid question?

    Tnx guys :)
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    Shrimp and aquascape tank

    I would suggest to split hair grass if you going for carpeting effect when its all piled up like that in one spot gona be hard to carpet. Also not all of them are geting enough light so they migh go brown and die off. I made same mistake and mine died now i replanted again all spread 1.5 inches...