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  1. S

    Radical (but effective) cure for black algae

    Just a thought, spinning off my recent battles with lighting... For the last year and some I've been struggling to get on top of black algae, which really took hold in my tank after I broke my hip and couldn't clean properly for a month or two. I wasn't keen to use chemicals, and basically fell...
  2. S

    Baffled by ballast - help!

    I'd just like to thank everyone for their input - I ended up doing as I was bid & getting an LED light, and after a certain amount of my own personal brand of DIY (cutting, hacking, cursing, swearing, that sort of thing) I have it installed and running and it looks great! No more faffing around...
  3. S

    Baffled by ballast - help!

    I like a good pun but that's shocking.
  4. S

    Baffled by ballast - help!

    Thanks. Excellent points, well made. Yes indeed, electricity + water - I can see why people might hesitate to get involved! No need to worry tho' - I am immune to electricity. I discovered this when I mowed over the power cord, picked up the severed cable and thought 'I wonder if that's still...
  5. S

    Baffled by ballast - help!

    Thanks for responding. Have to say I'm not anti the idea of LEDs, but seeing as I already have this whole setup, barring the wiring up, I'd kind of like to stick with it. But like I say, thanks.
  6. S

    Baffled by ballast - help!

    Ok, so my lights died, and for various reasons (v aged ballast, relatively young tubes with no visible signs of issues) I decided it was probably the ballast. The only problem is, the connections on the new one I bought are rather different from the old unit, and I just can't figure out how I...
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