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  1. F

    Three Spot Gourami Having Trouble Swimming

    Ok, Thanks for the info! I may first try to lower the water level and add water sprite and see if that helps. If it doesn't work I will find a quarantine tank appropriate for their size and let them heal.
  2. F

    Three Spot Gourami Having Trouble Swimming

    Edit: It's late so the fish aren't as active but here is the video I got. It doesn't show her swimming issue to the extent that it normally is but it is at least something. I just want to make sure I know what's going on so I can treat it before it's too late. I did think it could be possible...
  3. F

    Three Spot Gourami Having Trouble Swimming

    Hi! Bully, my Blue (three spot) gourami has been having trouble swimming for the past two weeks or so. It looks as if she is having trouble with her buoyancy and cannot hang out in the mid-level of the tank with minimal effort like my other gouramis do. She stays at the bottom of the tank and...
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