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  1. J

    Swollen/red danios HELP!

    I have a 20 gallon tank with 6 zebra/leopard danios one has always been pretty fat starting a month or two after I got them (jaunuary 2022) recently I noticed she was even bigger and has some red parts on the rear abdomen I don't know what it is any guidance is appreciated Blurry pictures but...
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  9. J


    Thank you so much for the help. I will do my best to keep the rest happy and healthy Oh, should I replace the two fish that passed
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    Yes I dechlorinate the water
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    I do a 5 gallon water change every weekend feeding once a day (small amount) 12 hours of light now down to 9 the gulls were relatively red not as noticeable as the underbelly
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    So what was the red area about
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    I only tested for ammonia this morning it was barely any probably .07 or somthing
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    Everything seemed okay yesterday then I woke up today To two dead zebra danios. I have recently used water algae killer but that shouldn't affect them right? As I was getting them out I saw the area Inbetween their mouth and underbelly was blood red. I had 8 zebra danios in a standard 20 gallon...
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  16. J

    nerite snail questions

    20 gallon standard, 7.6+ PH, and i dont know what kind i just got it from petco it has a dark shell with yellow spirals
  17. J

    nerite snail questions

    I recently bought a nerite snail and it seems fine so far, but he only stays on one main wall. I have brown algae in my tank and he seems to have cleaned most of it on that one wall. the other walls have algae on it and he wont leave that one wall I even took him off and set him down on the...
  18. J

    Zebra danios with nerite (or other) snails

    will the snails eat off the algae everywhere or just the glass?
  19. J

    Zebra danios with nerite (or other) snails

    I have a 20G tank with 8 Zebra danios in it (for roughly two weeks). They have been doing fine so far, but there is some brown algae forming in my tank. I would like to get some kind of algae control but after research a snail seems like a better choice than a loach or other fish. I also have...
  20. J

    Zebra danios playing or fighting?

    I have been watching alot of KGtropicals and aquarium co-op, if you have heard of them what are your thoughts on them
  21. J

    Zebra danios playing or fighting?

    The employee at my LFS told me that size would be perfect so i didn't think about it bring to small
  22. J

    Zebra danios playing or fighting?

    Thank you for the help
  23. J

    Zebra danios playing or fighting?

    Thanks so much for the help I really enjoy the speices hopefully I will eventually graduate to a larger tank so I could have better room for them
  24. J

    Zebra danios playing or fighting?

    My tank is 24'l, 12'w, 16'h, 20 gallon So the fish are likely not attacking one another?
  25. J

    Zebra danios playing or fighting?

    I'm not currently home but I can get some when I am
  26. J

    Zebra danios playing or fighting?

    Should I worry about the fish without an eye
  27. J

    Zebra danios playing or fighting?

    I am brand new to aquariums and fish keeping. I bought 8 zebra danios a few days ago and noticed yesterday one of them is missing an eye. Unfortunately I don't know if it came from the store that way, if it's Popeye, or wounds from a fight. It has a small chip in his back fin but it it very...