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  1. L

    Do male mollies release sperm in water??

    I see... Thanks for the advice
  2. L

    Do male mollies release sperm in water??

    Ah ok thx. I'll let it be then
  3. L

    Do male mollies release sperm in water??

    Okay so I've got a male balloon molly that looks super ready to mate. He keeps flexing his fins and the gono...sth (anal fin thingy) keeps moving forwards 😂 it's hilarious. There r 2 female mollies. 1 is pregnant. The male molly seems to dislike the other female molly so he's harassing the...
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    Pregnant molly?

    So I just got this molly about 3 days ago and I've been suspecting she's pregnant since then. I can't really tell u about her appetite changes (since it's only been 3 days). Currently, she's eating but not as much as the other mollies. Her belly was round when I got it but I think it's kinda...
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  7. L

    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Hahaha no problem. Thanks for the specific info
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Main tank is just 5 gallons but I'll be buying a 7-8gallon one soon :( I'll put them back with their friends then I plan to change everything on February (and add filters and stuff) Hope that's ok 🥲
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    They aren't giant danios though... They are zebra danios. Most are barely an inch long. If it really isn't that suitable, I'll just drop them in my cousin's tank till I get a more suitable one Theirs is about a size of a TV haha (and all smaller sized fishes in the tank as well)
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    So the min for5 of them is 20g long? Isn't g gallon? Maybe you can give in cm/in? 😅
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    That tank is just for 2 of them... Temporary until they eat properly. But yeah I'll be upgrading both the tanks soon (the main and the extra) How big should it be for 5 danios?
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Oh and my other 3 danios are doing great! They always play with their food though... Spitting it out then eating it again... Sometimes the food will get snatched and it looks like they are playing soccer 😂
  13. L

    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Update: I got the female to eat! Turns out, she's scared of me :> so what I'm doing now is crushing the crisps into powder form, dropping it in, and walking away. Then, I turn on my cctv and watch her eat hahahaha The male eats sometimes but prefers ants. If I don't feed him ants for the whole...
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    Most expensive fish?

    Hahahaha cool names. Take note, people!
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    This one is 3-4l. I know it's a but small for them but I'm still in the midst of fixing the problem
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    Most expensive fish?

    His eyes are adorable 😍😍 I admire how he allows you to hold him like that haha
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    Most expensive fish?

    Haha I knew it was wrong
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    Most expensive fish?

    Hey guyssss What's the most expensive fish that you've bought? (In usd) Has it died? If yes, how long did it live for? If no, how long have you owned it? I'm curious :) I have a feeling this is the wrong thread 😜
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    I love my fish & willing to learn everything I can 😃!!

    Hahaha you're so good at encouraging people to read 😆
  20. L

    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    The male wouldn't stand still for a pic 🥴🥴 I ended up taking a short video and screenshot'ing' it. Will try to take a clearer one soon
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    I was doing water change 2 times a day. 20% each time... Until now, that is... I do a 50% once a day water change. Haven't bought a filter yet. Gonna buy next year. Still saving for it haha I had a hard time catching ants 😆 never thought it was THAT hard to catch them. Sure. I will definitely...
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    No, just removing harmful substances
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Oooo got it. Time to kill some ants to save my fishes 😆😆 Will send pics soon. Thanks for your help man
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    It's like those home filtered water... It's from the tap but it went through filtering process already. Idk how to explain hahaha. I clean the mud (and things that got filtered from tap water) once/twice a month.
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Update: the male just ate a drowning house ant (black ones). I dropped one more in and he gobbled it up almost immediately 😆 should I continue? I saw some people saying it isn't good since ants may pinch the fish but... What do you think? Btw, Im feeding them tetra discus crisps atm. (See the...
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Not using any. The guy at the aquatics store says I don't need it cuz I'm using filtered water. (Those that you can drink straight away) Pls let me know if I should buy it. If I do, it will most prob be the api Ehm I don't think I can put videos but here's some pics
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  32. L

    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Not using any. The guy at the aquatics store says I don't need it cuz I'm using filtered water. (Those that you can drink straight away) Pls let me know if I should buy it. If I do, it will most prob be the api one
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    I got my fishes 7 days ago hahaha. No, it's not cycled... It's a new tank. And they were up for7 days only. Ps: this is my second batch of fishes. First batch died 7 years ago
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Update: the condition of 2 of my fishes are improving... They took a bite of the food but spat it out 😆 For those of you who asked me to test the water... Can I have an alternate option? The kit isn't going to arrive as quickly as I expected. Needs about a few weeks. My fishes may not be able...
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Test kit will reach my house soon (bought it online) Just did a water change. I'll update you. Videos coming soon :) Thank you!!
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Hahaha if they are going to mate and starve themselves, I would rather they not mate
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Bought test kit online already. Reaching soon :) will update. Thanks
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Update: I fed them 3 very tiny flakes. The male, flipper, ate one of them. But the female, sushi, didn't. She was resting at that time Another observation: when sushi is resting, flipper swims as usual (normal pace) around sushi. But whenever sushi moves, I think flipper is chasing her and they...
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    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Hi again. I have 5 Danios and 2 of them aren't eating much... (Either none at all or 1/2 bites) It started yesterday morning. (I feed them 2 times a day) What I did: I've separated them to another tank, put in some decors to make it feel like home. I fed them 5 times today. One of them ate...