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    Discus substrate colours

    Hello, I have a tank with some discus fish. Initially I had black gravel and no backing and my blue diamond turned very dark almost black himself. I have removed the black and and ordered a light blue background. I was wondering if I use the dark blue gravel I already have should he lighten up...
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    Oscar fish

    Now he is also refusing to eat his pellets. We gave him koi pellets. He will eat live crickets but I’m sure that’s not a balanced diet alone.
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    Oscar fish

    It's just odd that the erratic swimming didn't start until after we got rid of the other 2.
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    Oscar fish

    We had an Oscar, an 8" goldfish and a 14" pleco in a 75 gallon tank for about 2 months. In this time we had a very hard time keeping the nitrates low. I didn't want to do a water change every day. (Tank is a few years old and well cycled) Oscars fin got a white fuzzy dime sized patch on it which...
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    Rescued Oscar

    It's been a few weeks and he looks happy and healthy. My only issue is I have not seen him poop. He eats every day and I read they are heavy poppers. So why haven't I seen any poop? I have sandy coloured gravel so maybe his poop blends in??? At least it's not white and stringy.
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    Yes, the Oscar is in a 75g tank all his own.
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    Rescued Oscar

    Hi, yesterday I rescued a tiger oscar from a coworker who's son had just lost interest. This is my first oscar. I am attaching photos of him so any help would be appreciated. Best guess he is 6-8 years old, about 10" long. He was kept in a 30 gallon his whole life with poor, if any, filtration...
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    Hello, I have kept community fish for several years and have recently acquired a few different varieties. I have a pea puffer in 1 tank, 2 axolotls in a another, neon tetras, red swordtails, dwarf gouramis, snails, shrimp and a bristlenose in a third, and yesterday I rescued a 10" tiger Oscar...