So, I got a piece of mopani wood just because, and it grew this weird stuff. And I went on vacation for 10 days so the tank wasn't taken care of as carefully as I do. This is what it looks like now.
Definitely a work in progress, but most of the plants are thriving. Only the ambulia isn't. The...
Congrats @connorlindeman and @CGY_Betta_Guy ! I love both of your tanks!
(Also, I am a girl btw @Fishmanic , although there's no way for you to have known that)
So I'm planning on getting some frozen bloodworms soon, I have a couple questions.
How many do you feed a single male betta per day? And how many times per week?
Do you thaw a whole cube and then refrigerate it, or somehow just scrape off a few worms from the frozen block?
10 gallon betta tank.
Set up with plants on Feb/10/22, stocked with a male butterfly betta and some ghost shrimp on Feb/23/22(although the betta unfortunately killed the shrimp).
25-50% water changes will be done weekly.
Ferts used are Aquarium Co-op All-in-One Easy Green Liquid Fertilizer and...
Just out of curiousity, are there any other fish that can be kept with a betta in a medium-planted 10g? I’ve read that cories can work, but I’m a bit cautious about putting any other fish with a betta in just a 10g. But, what are your thoughts?
Right, so someone told me a while ago that to prune it you can trim off the daughter plants and remove the mother plant, but what exactly is a "daughter plant"? Can you just prune off any stem, or does it have to be a stem that has grown some roots?
My water sprite is growing a lot.
Nope, plants in the tank are ambulia, ludwigia sp., dwarf sag, rotala rotundiifolia, crypt, juncus repens, java moss, and water sprite. The water sprite is floating, but it came planted in pots.
Huh, okay.
I don't have any other experience to compare him to, but he seems very active to me. He's always moving around, and only stays still for a few seconds at a time. He has eaten one pellet, but so far his favorite food is the sinking algae wafer that I put in for the shrimp. What is it with animals...
The day after I set up the tank(the day I set it up the ludwigia was bent over, so I wanted to show it once it straightened out):
I set up the tank feb/10, it's feb/22 today. It's not quite been two weeks, but can I get the ghost shrimp tomorrow? Everything's been going pretty good...
Also, I haven't had the heart to kill any snails, so I've just been putting them in a little plastic container with some dwarf sag leaves that died and an extra water sprite plant. It's fun to watch them when they aren't in your tank.
I've noticed the lower parts of my ambulia are kind of soft and "crumpled". Could this be because they aren't getting enough light?
Only stock in the tank is pest snails.