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  1. W

    Badger's 150g Rio Negro/Orinoco Flooded Rain Forest

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. I love this tank. As you may recall I am originally from Venezuela, so both of these rivers are "local" (although I sadly no longer live there). If I ever set up a larger tank I'd love to do something like this.
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Here is a picture of the tank today. You can see the plants are growing nicely, but you can also see all the GSA on the sand. This was taken with my phone, I need to dust off my SLR camera and see if I can get better quality pictures. I did some more reading about EI dosing without CO2...
  3. Jul 1a.jpg

    Jul 1a.jpg

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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Time for an update.... The good news is that diatoms are dying out. The plants have grown beautifully, and there is no algae on any of them. I will take a picture tonight after it's dark outside (to avoid reflections on the glass) and will post it here. The bad news is that I am getting a lot...
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    This. I am not familiar with the Fluval, but it seems to be reading the temperature of the water through the glass in some way.... this could potentially be affected by the temperature of the glass and the room? The other thermometer has the probe directly in the water, so I would think it is...
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    Blue light and diatoms? (mostly just an intellectual exercise)

    Thank you! I didn't think this would be practical, it was just more for my ow learning. But I may try a low red/green after the photoperiod is over just so I can see the fish. Might even be cool/interesting to see the contrast with daytime behavior if they do behave like it's complete darkness,
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    Blue light and diatoms? (mostly just an intellectual exercise)

    I just received an old Finnex 24/7 light from someone who is getting rid of his tank. This is the first time I have a light that allows you to customize the spectrum, which got me wondering if there is an ideal setting to promote plant growth while inhibiting algae, cyanobacteria or diatoms...
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    Beginner queries!

    Wow, I did not know this.... at some point someone told me that the cloudiness was a good sign and I guess at the time it made sense to me. Thanks for the info, I stand corrected!
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    Creeping Jenny Plant Disinfecting

    I have an irrational aversion to snails, so I have always disinfected my plants before I add them to the tank (yes, I know snails are beneficial, I did say it was irrational, don't judge me ;-). In the past I have tried different things including bleach, but the plants always seem to suffer, or...
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    Word Association Game

    Bread (We've gone full circle!)
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    Beginner queries!

    I will let others with more experience fact check me, but in the meantime: Since you are in the middle of a fish-in cycle, cloudy water might just be a sign of a bacterial bloom and a good sign. The beneficial bacteria you need in your tank are multiplying :-)
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    I figured it was time for a quick update. After losing that first rummy, I did watch the fish closely for a while which made me notice that one the other rummys had a somewhat larger belly... I know females are fuller-bodied, so I assumed this was a female. I then noticed that evening that...
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    What do , otocinclus catfish , sewellia , panda garras eat and what do they grow up to?

    Seriously fish is probably the best source of information about fish in the hobby, and a good placer to visit to research before you get any fish you are not familiar with. They already gave you a link in one of your other threads, you should spend some time browsing the site. Not sure why you...
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    Is this blue green algae

    Ok, thanks for the replies. I have eliminated the sunlight that was causing the problem, and will scoop up the affected sand, hopefully that gets it under control.
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  16. W

    Is this blue green algae

    My tank has been set up for almost 2 months. First I added plants but no fish, and it sat with plants only for about a month. I am using EI dosing with great results - good growth, and no algae. Then about 3 weeks ago I added fish. Two days ago I noticed what I think is blue-green algae on the...
  17. W

    Are you breeding your Oto's???

    Sorry to revive an old post, but wanted to say that it is indeed possible. In the first iteration of my 29G I had a few Otocinclus vittatus. I wasn't trying to breed them, but they somehow bred at least twice. The first time I almost did not notice it: I was about to clean my canister filter...
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    It has been almost a week since my Rummy got sick, but everyone else in the tank seems to be happy so far. It seems I dodged a bullet, thanks to the quick advice of Colin_T and GaryE. The first iteration of this tank had a few Otos. They did really well (even bred a couple of times!) so I...
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    otos feeding.jpg

  20. W

    Sick rummynose tetra?

    Just wanted to post an update: it has been almost a week since I first noticed the sick fish, and 4 days since he dies. So far, everyone else in the tank seems healthy and happy. I'l keep monitoring and will post an update if anything changes. I have also already cleaned my QT and other...
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Hey Slap! Glad to be back, and hope to stick around this time. Happy to see you are still moderating. As for my tank I need to thoroughly clean my qt tank this weekend and then I'll order the endlers, which will go into the tank next. They are the only fish coming from a different supplier, so...
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    Sick rummynose tetra?

    Thanks for the reassurance. I was concerned it was something I had done with the food. It's how Thursday afternoon and everyone in the take looks happy. I will keep with water changes and will keep a close watch. Thank you both for your very fast responses. And Colin, I did not know how...
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    Best digital heater and thermometer

    I wanted to second the use of a controller if you don't mind the expense. I have a Hydor inline heater which had a hard time maintaining a stable, precise temperature. Even tiny changes to the dial while trying to "tune" into the right temperature caused huge swings so I would constantly...
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    Gravel or sand

    I also use pool filter sand. I use it essentially because I like the look. PFS is slightly coarser than play sand which I like. At one point someone told me that since it is meant for pools, PFS is cleaner than play sand, but I'm not sure that's true. I still clean it before it goes in the tank...
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    Sick rummynose tetra?

    Sorry I hadn't posted updates earlier. After Colin's first reply above I immediately moved the sick fish to a QT but I'm sad to say he did not even last the night. He died less than 18 hours after I noticed any symptoms, which was incredibly fast. I first noticed the symptoms on Monday. It is...
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    I'll keep an eye out for him, then! Sad to say my sick rummy did not make it. :( Fingers crossed it wasn't anything contagious.
  27. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Hey Badger! Great to hear from you! I apologize for being absent for such a long time. I started a new job, and it has kept me busy (in a good way)! I am hoping to be more active going forward. I'm very happy with the way the tank is starting. I have one fish that got sick today (I created...
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    Sick rummynose tetra?

    Gary, Thank you for the warnings. I've moved the sick fish to a QT, so if this is indeed one of the infections you mention I hope the other fish have been spared. For now the sick rummy is just floating near the surface in the QT, and moves less and less. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
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    Sick rummynose tetra?

    Update: as I went to check the fish, I found him stuck to the filter intake, unable to swim away. He is breathing but apparently weak. I've truned the filter off, and transferred him to a QT. When I put him in the QT he is upside down and floats to the surface, then he will swim back down, and...
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    Sick rummynose tetra?

    Colin Thank you for the quick reply! Would it be better to transfer the sick fish to a QT and do the salt treatment there, or should I treat the entire tank?
  31. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Here is a pic from before adding fish: and one from earlier today:
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    tank 2.jpg

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    tank 3.jpg

  34. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    I know it has been a long time since I posted... I apologize for the absence. "Life" got in the way of my project (started a new job, among other things) but I'm happy to report that I eventually got it finished. After putting the filter together as above, everything sat untouched until the...
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    Sick rummynose tetra?

    Hi, I've been a lurker here for some time, reading and benefitting from the collective knowledge in this forum. I was active a while back for a short time (here is my thread, which I will go and complete at some point soon, and slaphppy7, whistling badger and boundava may remember me from a...
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  37. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Over the past few days I've (slowly) "reengineered" my filter as mentioned in a post above. My main goal was to do away with Eheim's media basket, which in the 2213 is just a single large basket. It's not very useful, and all it does is take away from the filter volume. There is a lot of dead...
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