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  1. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    UPDATE The blue acaras pulled through as did all my other tanks no more white spot no loss of any fish, I am wanting to add the 2 acaras to my 240l with my 6inch Oscar. Will that size tank be ok or would i need a bigger size? I run a fluval u4 and an external all pond solution 1000ef and do 30%...
  2. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    the guy who i got them of didnt tell me much, and i am no good at sexing fish lol hope the people you mentioned can help thank you. As for the other tanks i have raised the heat and will leave it there for 2 weeks and keep an eye on every one, thanks again i just need the acaras fin to heal up...
  3. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    I have taken the medicine route, the treatment has worked and i can see no visible white spots. I have turned the light on today and they seem a lot more active, there colour still hasnt come back could that be due to the light been off for over a week? I am such a fool as well i know how fast...
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  14. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    So put the torch on my phone and had a look at these guys, the white spot seems to have cleared up a lot they were covered before but i now can only see the odd clusters of them here and there and on the edges of the fins, i do see them keep shaking like there shaking the ich off them lol. Like...
  15. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    Hi again just am update i am on my last day of treatment for ich, the fish are still alive and eating the male is less active and seems to just sit on the sand until i feed or walk near the tank and the female stays at the corner at the top unless i feed or walk past the tank. I have only raised...
  16. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    Ok will do thank you
  17. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    Right ok so i did a 20% change on the water to reduce the salt will keep on meds with heat and no light until medicine is finished, if that does not work shall i redue the course of medicine or just increase the heat?
  18. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    Ooo ok so your thinking my oscar in 240l isnt enough space for him. I get what you mean oscars get big and need a big tank if he does outgrow my tanks i wouldnt see him suffer id rehome to some one with a bigger tank. I just hope the acaras pull through again i know people with big tanks so if...
  19. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    Do they look more white due to stress of the ich? Due to age? Sorry for all the questions
  20. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    Yeh i unstand how fast oscars grow hes gained so much size in weeks, but hes so far soo good been friendly he does live with two natural blue acaras and he leaves them alone. I am bad with fish lately so can always get them a tank of there own if they survive and wont mix with my other tanks, i...
  21. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    Iv have just fed them to get some closer photos of them, i think they are a male and female pair? I think the female is the one with the torn fins, the males are ok. Can not see ich unless i turn on the light and dont really want to stress them any more
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  29. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    Aw noooo i was just hoping it was a case of a bit of ich as the guy said he had just finished a course of ich treatment on them, iv had them in tank with no lights on so they didnt look to bad until i turned the light on yesturday to have a good look and there covered. The male does seem to be...
  30. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    The female seems the worst of both, her fins are torn and she stays at top of tank at the back unless she sees me then she comes over but she just doesnt seem right
  31. K

    Help just rescued two electric blue acaras

    Need some help and advice please I have 3 tanks 240l with semi aggressive fish 160l with peaceful fish And 65l q tank with 2 5-6 inch electric blue acaras. A guy messages me on fb saying he had two free electric blue acaras for free with white spot that he had treated but can not get rid of...
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