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  1. R

    Please Help Me Save My Fish

    I will give this a try. Thank you so much !
  2. R

    Please Help Me Save My Fish

    I meant to add pics of my little friend today. He’s got deeper wounds, frayed fins and his gills are very red. I’m sure he’s getting worse, which is what seems to happen with each remedy I try.
  3. DC6A0E59-BBA9-4057-8B32-29B1B9A7E582.jpeg


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  11. R

    Please Help Me Save My Fish

    Thank you so much. I will try this and keep you posted
  12. R

    Please Help Me Save My Fish

    I have a large castle in with them. I had plastic plants and a few other houses but I removed everything else when I noticed the problem in my gourami.
  13. R

    Please Help Me Save My Fish

    Thanks everyone! I cleaned the tank, did a 50% water change and added salt but my friend is only getting worse. I will clean the gravel and do another water change tomorrow. I’m confused about the salt treatment though. Do I need to treat with salt every day? Since it doesn’t filter out do I...
  14. R

    Please Help Me Save My Fish

    I appreciate your help and advice so much. I feel like I’m still very new to this and I welcome any help. I think I’ll become a regular tester too because I never want anything like this to happen again if it can be helped. I’m going to try the water change and the salt and hope that helps. The...
  15. R

    Please Help Me Save My Fish

    Thank you. I’m sorry if my use of medications seems stupid but I have only used medications that I thought would help based on what I’ve been reading online from people with similar issues, which is the only resource I’ve had during this. My tank is 55 gallons and I have not been testing the...
  16. R

    Please Help Me Save My Fish

    Hi everyone. This is my first post and I’m very desperate. I have something going on in my tank that I cannot figure out and I’m afraid I’m about to lose all my fish. For several weeks I’ve been trying to treat a honey gourami that has some awful white, cotton like growths that seem to be eating...
  17. F720101A-E5D1-4B39-BC6E-28F43E8376F0.jpeg


  18. 7E77B889-F52B-4907-94B0-A6A9F3C7857B.jpeg


  19. 53F32DFB-4E31-4090-B587-18345B59029E.jpeg


  20. 0C34AB77-7265-480D-94F2-B8FF9E4F337C.jpeg


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  22. 3424C84B-940E-4B7C-A3B6-6F1237A32F37.jpeg

