Search results

  1. K

    Angel fish

    No! Tall tanks are not good for Angels. Now, if it was a 38 long, I would say yes. I have a 20 long, with 2 Angels and they are doing marvelously!
  2. K

    One fish you really want but you dont have.

    Blue Gourami and Black Phantom Angelfish
  3. K

    need help figuring out what to do with my sisters betta

    My advice would be to get that Betta out of that bowl before it dies!
  4. K

    API Testing and Seriously Fish

    I use strips myself, but 2 months ago, came to find out how inaccurate they can be. A good friend if mine brought his master kit over and we checked. The strips say my nitrite, ammonia and hardness was safe. Once tested in the master kit, that showed my ammonia levels and nitrite were actually...
  5. K

    Fish dying one by one - Cycled tank

    Your nitrite and ammonia levels are high. I suggest a large water change, and maybe grab some API StressCoat, API StressZyme, and some API AquaClear. The coat will help make your tap water safer, the zyme will help add good bacteria and the clear will help rid of bad bacteria. I also suggest...
  6. K

    Random new guppy death!!

    Every single fish I have ever gotten from PetSmart has died within a week of obtaining it. At first, I thought it was me or my tank, so I had a specialist come and test. My tank was perfect. Then I started reading the horror stories on FB and other places. PetSmart is a terrible place for fish...
  7. K

    What type of swordtails are these

    Thats some awesome information, I did not know any of that! Thank you so much!! I can't wait to learn more.
  8. K

    What type of swordtails are these

    OMG, thank you SOO much!!
  9. K

    What type of swordtails are these

    I just got a bunch of swordtails the other day, 1 adult female, this male, an adolescent female, and several babies of varying age. All the swordtails have the same coloring. It's like an orangish color. The adult female has like a golden belly (she is very pregnant), the male (unsure of age)...
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  16. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    Yeah, I'm gonna get some this week
  17. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    That looks amazing! Thank you for showing me!!
  18. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    I will be getting on this asap! Thank you both for your help!!
  19. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    Local fish store out of gravel and sand. An thank you!! I will be getting that ASAP
  20. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    For sure!! Which kind, Floating or sinking, would be better? Or both?
  21. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    Hot the wrong thing, lol. I don't have an aversion to plants, I am still learning and don't know how many to put in. I thought I might have too much! :( Since it takes up almost half the top of the tank. Should I get more floating ones or should I get sinking ones?
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    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    I don't have an
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    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    An the snails, I didn't mean to add that photo, but lol
  24. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    Ok, here are the 2 mollies. And this is the tank they are in, as well as the plants and a hatchery ready to go. I don't do breeding boxes because it stresses the fish too much!
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  33. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    What do you need a clearer shot of? I can try to get it for you!
  34. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    Absolutely not! You are fine! I greatly appreciate the concern! I have seen tanks in rough state, and it breaks my heart! I adore fish, and I am learning to breed them. I would only expect questions and concern! :)
  35. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    Its not rotting, I just put that in about 5 minutes before I took the photos. Between the guppies, mollies, and snails, as well as being vacuumed every other day, I can assure you, the tank is healthy, as well as the fish. I appreciate your concern though! I expect to be questioned when...
  36. K

    raising angel and guppy fry together

    Yeah, I have 2 angels. The female is ruthless sometime!
  37. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    Also, the pictures are not the best. They are screenshots from video, because they don't stay still long enough to get good photos. Maybe that's why they don't look healthy? I can try for better regular pictures. I just chose these brother show the bellies and the white oval area on the anus.
  38. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    You are only seeing a very small part of the tank, I have floating leaves so the fry can hide. An, the tank itself looks a little cloudy due to the age, that's the glass. The fish themselves are healthy.
  39. K

    Molly Pregnancy Questions

    Hey guys, I'm new to Mollies, and need a little help. 1 black Molly I got is very large and round. She is very restless. I know she is pregnant, I just don't know how far along she is. The other black Molly is smaller, but she also appears round. She eats a lot but she is more calm and lays...
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