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  1. MuddyWaters

    What are you doing today?

    Today I am completely re-scaping my standard 29 gallon that's in my office. I removed the fish, put them in a 10 gallon with 5 gallons of water from the office tank and 5 gallons of tap water (it was due for a change anyway). I took EVERYTHING out of the office tank- kept some of the plants...
  2. MuddyWaters

    What are you doing today?

    I LOVE that movie!
  3. MuddyWaters

    What are you doing today?

    it'll only be to breed the green fire tetras- once I get that going (knock on wood) I will not use them for any normal tank. The eggs slip down between the marbles and the adults can't get down there to eat them.
  4. MuddyWaters

    Algae Infestation in Cycled Tank

    Pretty much all above has applied to me- I fertilize pretty heavily (EI method) so, for my 75 gallon I change 25 gallons on Saturday and 35 on Tuesday. You're supposed to just change 50%-75% once a week, but I tend to over-feed, so I make sure I change the water more. I also stopped adding the...
  5. MuddyWaters

    Gravel Shmoo... keep it, or remove it?

    I clean the gravel every now and then in my big tank. I clean it every week in my shrimp tank, because I'm afraid of piling up too much stuff that could cause ammonia. Both tanks do well. I did skip vacuuming for a few months with the big tank and paid for it- I have a carpeting of pearl weed...
  6. MuddyWaters

    Bucket List Hillstream in stock at one of the suppliers I buy from... now if they are there for another week, so I can buy a couple...

    The latest Tropical Fish Hobbyist has an interesting article on Hillstream Loaches. Apprently folks used to confuse them with plecos LOL. I would like to have some- it would be cool to have a tank with fish that like the fast moving water- little "creek in a box"
  7. MuddyWaters

    What are you doing today?

    I got a box of 1000 marbles in the mail to put at the bottom of the tank I'm going to try and breed Aphyocharax rathbuni in. Knock on wood it'll work this time, but I have no idea how to tell if there are any eggs down in there. If this doesn't work I'm going to move them to the big tank and...
  8. MuddyWaters

    Tetra NitrateMinus.

    Shrimp are doing great! Since I got the nitrates down, they have really settled in and multiplied. I use Aquavitro Shrimp GH every time I change the water and check it to make sure the GH is 8-9. No problems since then. BTW I added the Tetra NitrateMinus to the tank. I did kind of what...
  9. MuddyWaters

    Tetra NitrateMinus.

    Just bought a bottle. If it works like it did for you, no more Nitra-zorb for me! Nitra-zorb works pretty well and you can re-use it several times before having to get more, but ONE DOSE per YEAR???? Say no more. Also, as noted above, I've never gotten to zero. It is great at keeping the...
  10. MuddyWaters

    Tetra NitrateMinus.

    I have a shrimp tank and have posted here about my nitrate troubles. Part of it is because I have fish in there- specifically black bar endlers- that make bunny rabbits look infertile. I sell as many as I can when we have auctions at the club, so that helps, but I also use API Nitra-zorb. It...
  11. MuddyWaters

    These angels are extra spendy… are they worthy???

    I would suggest contacting Dan's and asking why. He came to my club last month and showed us how they package fish for shipping. They take amazing care of them. I've bought some from him and I can always tell the fish are much much healthier when I get them and have done extremely well...
  12. MuddyWaters

    Cycle Crashed

    Interesting info about Dr Tims and Tetra bacteria in a bottle. I read an article buried somewhere about Tetra Safe-Start being the offspring of the only bacteria that used to work- the original had to be refrigerated, but apparently Tetra figured out how to extend the life and not require...
  13. MuddyWaters

    Cycle Crashed

    I vary between adding the de-chlorinator after I add the water or adding it to one of the buckets while changing the water- depending on the tank. If you added the dechlorinator after adding the water, that won't kill anything. I would just monitor the ammonia and nitrite levels every day...
  14. MuddyWaters

    I'm sick and tired of people talking about the 'PH' a fish needs

    it's funny- I kept fish for years without knowing ANY of this stuff and they did well. The water is soft here, but I couldn't have told you that a few years back. I've kept lots of fish the wrong way- usually what I would keep are considered hardy fish, so that helped, but I don't remember...
  15. MuddyWaters

    Cycle Crashed

    I do big water changes every week, but it doesn't kill the beneficial bacteria. There are reasons that ammonia can spike without the bacteria being killed off. Maybe that happened? I wouldn't mess with whatever biological media you have- you don't want to kill off what's left. Also, I'd just...
  16. MuddyWaters

    Tuesday August 27th is National Banana Lovers Day

    I did eat a banana yesterday- however, without knowledge of the meaning.
  17. MuddyWaters

    A great stress buster

    7190 pts. 118 insects - on medium.
  18. MuddyWaters

    What are you doing today?

    I'm setting up my new contraption to try and breed green fire tetra (Aphyocharax rathbuni) using some tips you all gave me. Knock on wood!
  19. MuddyWaters

    Today is National Dog Day

    Here's to my good ol' girl Honey- RIP. She was the best dog ever- 14 years of bliss with her. So fun and loving. She greeted me every afternoon with the same enthusiasm as if I had been gone a long time. Such solace on tough days.
  20. Honey (2).jpg

    Honey (2).jpg

  21. MuddyWaters

    What you should know about discus

    1. I would love to visit Sri Lanka- such a beautiful country. 2. It's interesting- my cocatuoides apistos are very curious and always come to the glass. I love that- most of my fish either ignore me or are more timid. I also have a pair of gold rams- they are sometimes curious also- I really...
  22. MuddyWaters

    Betta male look

    I condition the water of my shrimp tank and check the GH before adding. I don't check PH in that one at all. In my community tank, I keep the PH at 6.8 with a controller and CO2, but I add conditioner to raise KH and a bit of GH prior to adding the water. This is because my water is very soft...
  23. MuddyWaters

    Post Your Favorite Fish Picture!

    This picture is pulled from a video and zoomed way in, so the clarity is not that good. This is a nice male from my group of Green Fire Tetra (Aphyocharax rathbuni). I LOVE these fish. It takes 1 to 1.5 years to get full color. This guy is about there- the green gets more pronounced (and has...
  24. greenfiretetra.jpg


  25. MuddyWaters

    Is this ich?

    Looks like you have plenty of more qualified advice than I have, but I'll tell you my recent experience. This was the last straw before I finally gave in and got a real quarantine tank for my new fish. I got some new neon tetra and ember tetra from the big box pet store and after a day or two...
  26. MuddyWaters

    What you should know about discus

    I had 12 angels in my 75 gallon for several months. I knew I would have to pare them down, but when I ordered 6, they sent me 12. I have auctioned several at the club and am down to 3 now. One confirmed pair and a male that I was unable to catch when I was removing them to sell at the club...
  27. MuddyWaters

    Swarm of bees… Rhinotocinclus Isabelae new since 2022

    I don't like plecos, but admittedly that one is very pretty.
  28. MuddyWaters

    What you should know about discus

    Yeah, I do have a problem here. I want EVERYTHING. I keep small fish for that reason - well, that and my current dwelling was purchased because it is small, but did that before I caught this bug. I think my 75 gallon is overstocked, but I love it. I take good care of them and, as far as I...
  29. MuddyWaters

    Daphnia Craze

    it works well- the only odd-balls are the sword taill (moved him because he fought in another tank) and the mollies. I add a bit of GH boost (I have soft water) and I regulate the PH with a controller at 6.8. They do really well. In my experience they've done really well outside of the...
  30. MuddyWaters

    What you should know about discus

    This is really good. I've read about keeping the DOM low through "over-filtration" before and read that S. American fish (blackwater and clear water) just don't have the immune systems to handle all the bacteria due to the low amount in the natural waters they come from. Wow, reading this...
  31. MuddyWaters

    Seachem Florish safe for gold pleco and cardinal tetras

    OH! If you have fluval stratum, I would wait to feed the plants if they are not floaters- give it at least a month. Fluval stratum has lots in it already that will feed them. In fact, you'll want to check the ammonia levels early on to make sure it doesn't get too high. The ammonia in the...
  32. MuddyWaters

    Seachem Florish safe for gold pleco and cardinal tetras

    When I set up my 75 gallon, I had read not to feed the new plants for a month or two. I couldn't stand waiting, so after a week I started feeding- not full dosing I had planned, but some. I got massive algae and fought it for months. Based on my experience, I would wait and not feed the...
  33. MuddyWaters

    Daphnia Craze

  34. MuddyWaters

    Trying to Breed Aphyocharax rathbuni (Green Fire Tetra)

    WOW. I may have bitten off more than I can chew for my first breeding attempt ever. I just love them so much and you can't find them very often. People don't realize how beautiful they become after a year or 1 & 1/2 year. I'm still going to try, though. I haven't tried separating the males...
  35. MuddyWaters

    Trying to Breed Aphyocharax rathbuni (Green Fire Tetra)

    I read one post that mentioned using marbles- that's a good idea about leaving the water level low so they can't zip around and eat them. I'm guessing I should do this with one pair? Also, how do I tell if there are eggs down in the marbles?
  36. MuddyWaters

    Trying to Breed Aphyocharax rathbuni (Green Fire Tetra)

    Anyone here ever bred this fish? I've tried twice so far with no luck. First Method: I built a contraption like this one. He built it for Celestial Pearl Danio, but it should work for any tight scattering fish that likes to drop eggs on moss. (Emphasis on 'tight' in my case, I think). I...
  37. MuddyWaters

    Not crazy about them ?

    OMG yes- those ones with the bulging heads and all those other weird freak-of-nature kind of things. WHY? Folks love them, though. ...takes all kinds...
  38. MuddyWaters

    Not crazy about them ?

    There are a few- I've listed them in order of boredom from Most boring to just meh. 1. Plecostomus - for reasons already described 2. Corydoras - i have 5 of them, but I just don't find them interesting. I have looked and looked for a catfish that will come out during the day. Haven't found...
  39. MuddyWaters

    Not crazy about them ?

    I like black mollies- I got them for their love of algae, but they grew on me. They are just so beautifully black.
  40. MuddyWaters

    75 Gallon Community

    Thank you all!!