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  1. joeishere

    Endler tank

    So I have a 3 gallon tank and I figured just put some endler males in there since they weren't super territorial. Well one of them had been in the tank a few more then I went and bought 3 more. Just a few days ago I noticed that one of my fish had disappeared. Now I'm noticing another one...
  2. joeishere

    Should I "recycle" my tank?

    Thank you so much!
  3. joeishere

    Should I "recycle" my tank?

    So I've been thinking about getting about a 3 gallon tank for some yellow cherry shrimp and some snails. My girlfriend already had a 3 gallon that she is willing to give me, that she has already cycled. But she hasn't touched it in awhile or fed the bacteria. So I was wondering should I...