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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. L

    Surface movement/bubblers and a Veil tail Angel

    Hello Everyone 😊 I currently have a bubbler decoration running in my 55 gallon along with the Top Fin Silentstream 75 filter. With both running, I feel like the current is to strong for my Angel. I know the bubbler is a decoration, but is it necessary for air exchange/surface movement? How do I...
  2. L

    Lost one of my yoyo's😔, unsure of what happened??

    Thank you @Byron! I will be going this weekend to a fish store that someone told me about to see if I can get him some buddies. After I have quarantined them and have let them grow a bit, will it be okay to add them with the 2 older ones?
  3. L

    Lost one of my yoyo's😔, unsure of what happened??

    I was hoping you would comment Byron, you have great advice and knowledge it seems 😊. I know they are supposed to be in larger groups, they are very hard to find. Last year I found 2, then about later I found the 3rd one. I have seen some here and there at petsmart/petco but they never looked...
  4. L

    Lost one of my yoyo's😔, unsure of what happened??

    It is very weird! All 3 of them were out and about Sunday when I did their weekly cleaning. It males me so sad but also nervous, dont want to lose them all!
  5. L

    Lost one of my yoyo's😔, unsure of what happened??

    Hey guys. Sadly, this morning I found 1 of my yoyo loaches dead😔. I noticed last night that only 2 were out front and center at feeding time, I assumed the other 1 was being lazy under his favorite cave. Later on, after the lights were out I didnt really see much activity from any of the fish...
  6. L

    Dosing ferts after WC with Prime

    Thank you!! I think i will wait a couple hours than add from now on!!
  7. L

    Dosing ferts after WC with Prime

    Hello! I am so confused about dosing ferts after wc. I have read so many conflicting things, so Ive come to ask the professionals 😍! Some say to dose ferts the same day as wc, some say dont if using Prime (which I do) as the Prime binds the ferts. Should you dose excel the same day as a wc or...
  8. L

    Kuhli/yoyo loaches

    I was wondering if anyome has kept kuhlis and yoyos together? I would like to move my kuhlis into my 55 gallon where my yoyos are but ive read conflicting information on our sites. So ive come to the people with knowledge🙂. Would this be okay or would my kuhlis be a snack for yoyos? Thanks in...
  9. L

    Ludiwig reopens

    Can anyone give me some advice on ludiwig reopens? I currently have some plamted in my 55 gallon, but I am wondering what it needs to really flourish. Its a beautiful plant and im really hoping I can keep it alive lol. Does it like root taps, fertilizer added to the water? I appreciate all advice😊
  10. L

    Male platy being pushy

    Hey y'all!! So I have had platys for over a year now and NEVER have I seen any of them be aggressive...until yesterday lol. I had 1 male platy survive (his mother died shortly after having babies). He was in my 20 gallon community until my 55 was ready. While my 55 was cycling I had 3 females in...
  11. L

    Red ludiwig reopens

    I put a little over half a capful today after a WC. Everyone seems to be good so far😊 thanks for all the help!!
  12. L

    Red ludiwig reopens

    Thank you so much for this, weekend project!! I know the bottle of Flourish has directions on them but a whole capful just feels like a lot to me. I've also read to double dose the first time and to do it right after a WC...maybe its the double dose that really makes me nervous lol. I bought my...
  13. L

    Red ludiwig reopens

    I've been reading aboit floating plants, I don't want one that will over take the tank. How do you like the duckweed?
  14. L

    Red ludiwig reopens

    I was thinking about starting Seachem Flourish, I have had the bottle for over 2 months and still debating whether to use it. Thank you 😊
  15. L

    Red ludiwig reopens

    Hey y'all!! New to planted tanks, but very excited about it!! I can not keep a house plant alive for the life of me lol so I really want to get this right. In my 55 gal, I have anubias nana, java fern, java moss, Amazon swords, red ludiwig reopens and mermaid weed. I know the javas and anubias...
  16. L

    Kuhli loaches/pregnant platy

    Hi!!! New here, not really new to fish keeping but on this forum 😊. I am new to live plants tho and do have questions on liquid fertilizer/co2. But I will get to that in a bit lol. So I was moving 2 female platy (1 clearly pregnant) from my 10 gal to my 55 earlier, I also planned on cleaning...