Search results

  1. M

    Brooklynella, Velvet or other??

    I had a case with my previous fish that he had one white spot in one of his fins and the next day there was a hole. I'm concerned this might happen to this fish too. I sent my water to be tested by a fish shopkeeper and I'm still waiting for the results but I will post them as soon as I have...
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  4. M

    Brooklynella, Velvet or other??

    I have had a case of what I think was brooklynella in the past 5 months. It started with my clownfish and they ended up dying despite our medication. We got a second batch of fish 4/5 weeks as per recommended by our fish guy, and they ended up dying of the disease too. We weren't able to treat...
  5. M

    Brooklynella or Ich? And what are alternative treatments?

    So in the past 2-3 days, my new clownfish showed symptoms of what I assume is brooklynella. I had fish with brook in the past so I started treatment right away. Where I live, formaldeheyde is illegal to sell, so I'm doing a 5 minute FW bath followed by a 60 minute metronidazol bath, and dosing...
  6. M

    Marine ich, velvet, brooklynella or something else?

    This week we noticed that our clownfish had white spots in him, but as he was doing fine we decided we would monitor him for a while. Yesterday we went to the fish store and the seller told us it looked like our clownfish had a very common disease (unfortunately I don't know what name he said)...
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