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  1. SarahPar

    What to look out for? Possible TB?

    Is the thin fish actually eating? Observe it carefully and see. Sometimes they look like they are eating but they are actually spitting. If the fish improve from the meds it's not TB but if they don't it probably is.
  2. SarahPar

    Fish dying one by one - Cycled tank

    They all have TB (or most) that's why they are so thin and slender, and there's multiple carcases in there.
  3. SarahPar

    Fish dying one by one - Cycled tank

    Hi Colin, That's very interesting. Hmm yeah I think round worm and gill flukes are pretty easy to get rid of. So far the worst thing I have encountered is this TB strain. Mainly since it's untreatable. I suspected it was imported. Unsure who their supplier is or where they get them from but...
  4. SarahPar

    Fish dying one by one - Cycled tank

    I'm not sure if the breeders/suppliers just don't care that the guppies have diseases or if they just aren't aware. I have talked to Petbarn employee who orders from suppliers and she told me they often come sick and with half their tails missing. From my experience going to many pet stores...
  5. SarahPar

    Fish dying one by one - Cycled tank

    Hi there, what symptoms did the fish have very specifically? So far it seems like the tetras had lumpy bodies and the other fish had some white in their poop. Is there any other details you could add? Were they still eating? It's possible to guestimate what parasite or infection it is but it...
  6. SarahPar

    Fish dying one by one - Cycled tank

    Yeah and the answer was too vague to make any sort of educated guess. So far I gathered; Lumpy bodies on tetras White in the poop. In terms of lumpy tetras that sounds like microsporidia/type of neon tetra disease. White in the poop could be anything from internal parasites to TB. If they...
  7. SarahPar

    What to do if your fish has Stringy White Poop.

    Great post, Though I wanted to add that with bacterial infections they may not bloat up and may take longer to die than 24 hrs. In Mycobacteria Haemophilia it causes emaciation and wasting that takes weeks to kill.
  8. SarahPar

    What to look out for? Possible TB?

    If it's eating well it probably has hexamita or something else. When my guppies had TB they stopped eating, had whitish poo and got emaciated and died. This strain I believe is called mycobacteria haemophilia. It's untreatable and chronic.
  9. SarahPar

    Guppy Troubles

    Definitely sounds like gill issues oe ammonia toxicity or both. Ammonia starts to become toxic over a certain level.
  10. SarahPar

    Fish dying one by one - Cycled tank

    What symptoms did they have if you noticed any? New fish especially guppies and tetras tend to be riddled with disease.
  11. SarahPar

    Ooooh...don't touch that fish, it's diseased/inbred/etc.!

    Yeah I know. I'm currently treating it with Sulfadim 2-3ml per 10 liters, 1 dose per week. As far as I see the guppies have improved immensely. That's before the sulfadim (sulfadimine sodium). This is 2 weeks after 2 doses. I'm pretty much gonna keep dosing it and changing water. I'm...
  12. SarahPar

    Guppy Troubles

    Could be nitrite poisoning. Hard to say since if it wasn't raised before the death then it was likely something else. Usually when fish die without symptoms I suspect gill parasites. So I treat my new fish for flukes and gill parasites always, haven't had any strange unexplained deaths since...
  13. SarahPar

    Ooooh...don't touch that fish, it's diseased/inbred/etc.!

    Cardinals are basically the same as neon tetras when it comes to risk of neon tetra disease. They aren't immune. Most of the times I see either at aquarium stores or petshops a certain % of the population has neon tetra disease. Doesn't matter if they are neons or cardinals. The parasite is...
  14. SarahPar

    Whats killing my Gouramis?

    Moving the stressed one is a good idea but it may not necessarily purely be from the other males
  15. SarahPar

    Whats killing my Gouramis?

    Hmm yea wait to see what its poop looks like
  16. SarahPar

    Whats killing my Gouramis?

    Hmm there is nothing externally on the fish. So it could be either gills or an internal issue/disease. Does it eat? Whats the poop look like?
  17. SarahPar

    What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

    Endlers. All the endlers around here seem to have an untreatable internal parasite. I suspect cryptobia. I bought some 2 years ago having no idea about this kind of disease even. Now for 2 years I've been dealing with losses. Just the endlers have managed to somehow outbreed it, plus my...
  18. SarahPar

    What’s your worst nightmare regarding your fish/pets?

    Untreatable disease that slowly spreads and kills the fish. Currently dealing with it - cryptobia in imported endlers. Ugh.
  19. SarahPar

    Having Tank Issues With Water

    Yeah the tank is uncycled. You should add some crushed coral or aragonite to the tank and better filter media. Ie use one sponge then behind it marine pure gems.
  20. SarahPar

    GloFish Tetra Emergency

    No idea. I had a guppy for a few months when suddenly it started swimming strangely. I left it for a while till the fish could not function or feed then euthanased it.
  21. SarahPar

    Columnaris and Ich?

    Yeah it does look like a pretty bad columnaris infection
  22. SarahPar

    Whats killing my Gouramis?

    Would have to of seen a video of the fish swimming and it's deterioration. One picture isn't really enough. Well there is no obvious ich. Could be viral or a gill parasite
  23. SarahPar

    GloFish Tetra Emergency

    Likely neurological or swim bladder but I'm leaning more neurological. Since you have had the fish for 2 years. I don't think theres anything you can do that would actually cure it. Just keep up water changes and add some airation.
  24. SarahPar

    TIGER BARBS DYING--at my wit's end, please help!!!

    I would agree with the reverse old tank syndrome. Plus it's also not cycled which is likely compounding the stress. New ones likely not dying due to conditions being similar to that of the petshop. But the conditions the other fish were in were likely very different before the move.
  25. SarahPar

    Whats killing my Gouramis?

    With the speed of death it is likely either from sudden extreme stress like from fighting or from some sort of gill disease. Hence the struggling to breathe and laying on the bottom. I'd suggest to improve the airation in the tank by adding a pump and positioning it toward the top of the tank...
  26. SarahPar

    Having Tank Issues With Water

    I would say with the nitrate your filter is insufficient or not that great biomedia. Most medias for filters end up producing nitrate causing the filter to become a nitrate factory of sorts. Nitrate which is not actually the end of the nitrate cycle. The last step of the nitrate cycle is nitrate...
  27. SarahPar

    Columnaris and Ich?

    Definitely not ich. Looks like either a burn or very severe bacterial infection. Well turning temp up is very bad for bacterial infections but that looks so severe it would of required antibiotics likely orally.
  28. SarahPar

    Lethargic and injured Betta | WHAT TO DO?

    That temperature is a bit too low for bettas. Colder water can kill the betta, as the betta's immune system will slow and make them susceptible to disease. Probably should move her to a warmer tank around 26 degrees and add some blue planet fungus cure. I would say shes lethargic because of...