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  1. jessicarf00

    help- betta fin rot?

    just this week i noticed my betta, harry’s, fins looking jagged/ a little shredded? nothing else seems very different about him, so i don’t know if something is wrong with him he’s my first and only fish, by himself in a cycled and heated/filtered 10g tank. he has live plants (swords, floating...
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  6. jessicarf00

    betta missing scales or coloring?

    i recently noticed this other spot on his other side (attached pictures) and i have the same dilemma, can’t tell whether it’s changing colors or a patch of missing scales.. today he seemed/seems a little twitchy? not sure why. but besides from that he seems normal (still very eager to eat and...
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  9. jessicarf00

    betta missing scales or coloring?

    i was just trying to take some pictures of my betta, harry, and i noticed this spot on him. i can’t tell if this red spot on his body is part of his coloring, or missing scales. any advice or words of wisdom would be appreciated:) the photo with the spot circled is from today, the other picture...
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  12. jessicarf00

    switching filter media?

    the tank is fully cycled, i set it up may 16th and i’ve had my betta fish in since june 13th! my biggest problem with my current filter media is that it’s carbon so it takes out my tannins. where do you recommend getting ceramics from?
  13. jessicarf00

    switching filter media?

    right now, all i have is a pf-s filter cartridge
  14. jessicarf00

    switching filter media?

    i have a hob filter which i have never changed the filter media in. i’ve been doing research and i’m wanting to switch the media to a sponge so i won’t need to buy new ones and so that my tannins won’t be filtered out. my question, however, is how? should i put the sponge in the filter, leave it...
  15. jessicarf00

    betta ich? - might be resolved ?

    okay. confused. i cried for awhile and looked back and i don’t see it anymore. if anyone still has any advice i’d still appreciate it!! - a very stressed first time fish owner
  16. jessicarf00

    betta ich? - might be resolved ?

    just tonight i noticed a speck on my betta that i assume is ich. i normally wouldn’t be so freaked out but i leave for a 6 day vacation on thursday so i know i can’t do much between now and then. i have somebody lined up to feed him but i have no medications and i can’t rely on this person to...
  17. jessicarf00

    help! - high ph in betta tank

    okay, (and yes i can tell what you mean:) this is just straight tap water. right after testing i filled a cup with water to test tomorrow.
  18. jessicarf00

    help! - high ph in betta tank

    i just tested it and it seems to be about 7.2-7.4
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  20. jessicarf00

    help! - high ph in betta tank

    i made a post last night about how my betta is breathing heavily and pacing after doing a water change. today he isn’t pacing as much but still seems to be breathing heavy. i just tested the water and the ph looks like it’s around 8 - 8.2. yikes! is this what’s causing his behavior? how should i...
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  22. jessicarf00

    betta pacing & breathing heavily

    thanks for responding!! it’s gotten too late for me tonight to do more with him, but in the morning i’m planning on observing him and testing his water either way. i made sure to rinse my arms and hands very well before the water change along with everything else i used, and have a bucket...
  23. jessicarf00

    betta pacing & breathing heavily

    yes, i do. i’m planning on testing the water tomorrow
  24. jessicarf00

    betta pacing & breathing heavily

    i got my very first betta, harry, two weeks ago today. today i did his first water change and took out about half of the water and replaced it with conditioned water (tried to keep it about 80 degrees.) i didn’t notice him doing this immediately after the change, but recently he’s being darting...