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  1. T

    Starting again

    Understood, I just wasn’t sure as I kept a close eye on water parameters etc. just wished I had spotted the shrimp sooner 😢
  2. T

    Starting again

    Thank you for the advice! I don’t think they charge much for the water but I don’t mind either way as Id like to make the transition as seamless as possible for my future betta. I will definitely clean it all well and would never keep a betta without live plants! I’ll look into the liquid...
  3. T

    Starting again

    Thank you for your kind response - I’m always worried about posting as I find some people on here quite judgemental. A lot of people are telling me to get ‘more resilient’ fish and give up but my berra’s personality couldn’t be best so I’m taking some time out and excited to start again, I just...
  4. T

    Starting again

    I sadly lost my betta earlier this month. He had been struggling with severe fin rot which was improving and his behaviour was back to normal and we had good regrowth. I went on holiday for 5 days and had a family member to come in and care for him, sadly one of our shrimps passed and had gone...
  5. T

    Fin Rot?

    UPDATE: He now has practically no fin left. I’ve kept up with aquarium salt alongside water changes and have also tried used esha2000. This is feeling pretty severe and urgent now. All water parameters appear fine still and I have also worked on decreasing the tanks’ pH to a more ideal pH...
  6. T

    Fin Rot?

    Okay I managed to get ahold of a liquid test kit. I’ve got a pH of 8, 0 nitrite and ammonia is maybe 0, maybe 0.2 (it’s hard to tell with the opacity of the water.)
  7. T

    Fin Rot?

    Yes I am but that’s good to know. I do use tap safe, vacuum my gravel and do partial water changes as often as I can (every couple of days - a week) but might take a water sample to my local aquatic centre to test it.
  8. T

    Fin Rot?

    NO3 - 25mg/l NO2 - 0mg/l GH - 8°d KH - 10°d pH - 7.8 Cl2 - 0
  9. T

    Fin Rot?

    I have tried to cycle them but if I’m being completely honest I can’t be sure that I’ve done it correctly. Will test water now and update you.
  10. T

    Fin Rot?

    He has a java fern and what I believe in an anacharis. From what I’ve seen it’s fine but will check again this morning.
  11. T

    Fin Rot?

    Hi, I’m new here but am in need of help. I have had a betta fish for a couple months now but I believe he may be suffering with fin rot. I’ve removed all ornaments so don’t believe he has ripped his fins. I have tried partial and full water changes. We have a closed filter system so I...
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