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  1. tylapollyanna

    My betta fins are shredded!

    So I’m pretty sure that his fins were shredded due to high nitrate levels however the water is back to normal with several water changes. I’ve also added more plants to try and improve the tank in general. I don’t know whether it is fin rot or just due to stress. i’ve given him treatment. how...
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  5. tylapollyanna

    Little yellow eggs and possible clamped fins?

    I have nirate and assassin snails
  6. tylapollyanna

    Little yellow eggs and possible clamped fins?

    I have nirate snails and assassin snails
  7. tylapollyanna

    Little yellow eggs and possible clamped fins?

    Hi guys. I only have a betta fish and shrimp in this tank so I’m assuming that it is shrimp eggs. Will they die if they are left like this? Also, is my betta starting to clamp his fins? I’m just overly worried as this is his new tank. (yes it’s been fully cycled - last time I tested it was a...
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  13. tylapollyanna

    Nitrate won’t go.

    Hi guys I have a 56 L tank and the matter what I do the nitrate won’t go. Nitrites are a zero i’ve done so many water changes and the nitrate levels just won’t go down. What should I do?
  14. tylapollyanna

    Monte Carlo

    Okay! Thank you. my tank is good high lighting. I use the high lighting for my red plants too. how would I put more co2 in the tank?
  15. tylapollyanna

    Best stocking ideas for 30L tank?

    What if I decided to get RO water and make the water softer? I plan to do that for my Betta. What options do I have then?
  16. tylapollyanna

    Monte Carlo

    Hi. I have a really small bit of Monte Carlo. Will it grow and if so how can I ensure it’s growth?
  17. tylapollyanna

    Ammonia & Nitrate

    I have no fish in the tank no but I do have a few snails. I have ammonia testing kits and my ammonia is fairly high as well. shall I keep doing water changes? That’s what my pet store recommended. the nitrate is going down ever so slightly but the ammonia isn’t
  18. tylapollyanna

    Ammonia & Nitrate

    Okay thank you. I have a Maidenhead Aquatics that’s kinda near me but I don’t drive so it’s a pain to get to. hopefully my Maidenhead Aquatics will sell it. I had no idea the water hardness will effect my Betta. He seems healthy but I’d love to soften the water for him!
  19. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    Yes I love red Ludwigia. So vibrant ?
  20. tylapollyanna

    Ammonia & Nitrate

    Where do you get it from? My local pet store is Pets at Home and I doubt they will do it. The other fish store is too far for me to go often. How much do you buy and how much does it cost?
  21. tylapollyanna

    Ammonia & Nitrate

    Hiya. I just got my water tested I went and bought the API testing kits and API water conditioner. this is my results. The nitrate seems to be going down but is still present. Nitrate seems to be 20ppm, would you agree? And nitrite is between 1-3 What should I do? Continue to do water...
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  23. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    Thank you very much :) I think the plants that are in the back left corner are meant to grow taller so I’m just waiting on them to grow tall but I would like to add some more tall ones there. Maybe a few reddish ones to break up the green
  24. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    Thank you very much :) I think the plants that I have in the left corner are meant to grow taller I’m not a huge fan of the long roots. Do Bettas like that though? I think I bought some and the roots were brown and a bit rotten. It made my tank look dirty. They look so nice on top though! i...
  25. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    I love them! Beautiful! I think I’ll get some red ones to break up the green everywhere in my tank
  26. tylapollyanna

    Ammonia & Nitrate

    Hiya, I just tested my water (I went and bought the testing kits API ones) My nitrate is around 20 ppm And nitrite is around 1-2 I did a water change. Should I continue to do water changes?
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  28. tylapollyanna

    Best stocking ideas for 30L tank?

    I’m not sure but it’s longer rather than taller. And oh okay! I’ve don’t know much about them. Maybe I do some research. Thank you ?
  29. tylapollyanna

    Best stocking ideas for 30L tank?

    I was looking at endlers actually! How many could I have? and yeah I know everyone is saying that to me but I really like it with my Betta. I’m kinda obsessed with him and isn’t the bigger the tank the better for him? He’s also getting rather big. He has shrimps and snails as friends. But I do...
  30. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    Sorry I mean just bigger than * duckweed. Auto correct lol. Okay thanks. I’ll have a look on eBay. They’re pretty cheap on there
  31. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    Sorry that didn’t make much sense lol. Just shut king bigger than duckweed?. Okay thank you! They look really nice and healthy!
  32. tylapollyanna

    Best stocking ideas for 30L tank?

    Hi there. I have a 30L tank which is currently home to Betta but once I’ve sorted out my 56L tank he will have a new home. I’d love to make the 30L tank home to new fish but I don’t know what fish will go in that size tank. Pet stores tell me almost any fish can go in a 30L (I know that’s not...
  33. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    That looks lovely!
  34. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    Yeah I want floating plants but I don’t want ones that hang down too much. I bought some online once and it made my tank look really dirty and horrible :( Are there any floating plants that are medium size?
  35. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    Yeah exactly! That’s why I’m reluctant. I might have to travel a bit further to another shop and see! I think wood will bring it together. Thank you :)
  36. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    yeah I was thinking some type of wood but what type of wood? My local pet shop only have a few and they’re not tall. and thank you! ?
  37. tylapollyanna

    New Tank Ideas

    This is my new tank set up but something just feels a bit empty or off to me. I can’t explain it but something is missing. It feels a bit too one dimensional if you know what I mean? Any suggestions on how to make this tank come together?
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